Major Real Estate Marketing Shifts for 2013

by blogger1
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on Oct 24 in BestTransactionFunding

There are some unexpected marketing shifts coming for real estate investors in 2013. Make sure you are headed in the right direction…

Marketing trends are changing faster than ever and not necessarily in the directions that real estate investors necessarily expect. Some newer mediums have caught on a little too well for their own good, while others simply aren’t working or resonating with consumers.

So which channels and tactics should investors be incorporating and focusing on and which might be better cut out?

3 Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Be Wary of in 2013

1. Story Telling

Marketing gurus have been talking a lot about incorporating story telling into content to improve results but many marketers are getting it all wrong. It is certainly being over done in the wrong mediums like email and real estate investing forums. People don’t want to hear about your week or read half a page of made up story to get to the point. Having a story which propels your business as a brand is one thing but today time is more precious than ever. So when it comes to marketing messages; get to the point fast and deliver the value if you want keep their attention.

2. Mobile Ads

If the mighty Facebook and Yahoo can’t find a way to cash in on mobile marketing successfully do real estate investors need to be focusing too much energy on it yet? Social and SMS are great ways to hit mobile consumers but ads are iffy.

3. Facebook Ads

Facebook seems to have troubles all over the place today and while it is still a platform that those wholesaling houses shouldn’t be without there is a good chance its active user base is going to take a big dive over the next 12 months. Not only are professionals converting to Google+ and 100 million plus accounts likely to be fakes, the simple fact that 2 out of 3 relationship breakups and 1 in 5 divorces are being blamed on Facebook is generating plenty of hate for it.

3 Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Consider for 2013

1. Mobile Apps

Many investors have shied away from developing mobile apps because of the tech aspect but this is shaping up to be a huge mistake. Not only is this season expected to be the busiest mobile device and smartphone buying period yet but the field will soon be narrowed by those who have their own mobile apps and who are wired into buyers and sellers 24/7.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing in general has been hot for a while but when it comes to real estate it is really just beginning to be utilized correctly, leaving plenty of room for investors to work it to their advantage. This isn’t just about throwing marketing expenses off onto someone else and expanding reach. It is also about better conversions and locking competitors out of the game with exclusive referral partnerships.

3. Membership Sites

As more investors and techies jump into online real estate marketing those who want to win must find a way to stand out and differentiate themselves, while adding more perceived value to their services and product. Exclusivity is a great way to achieve this and membership sites offering off market real estate deals can be a great way to demand opt-ins too.

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