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How The Kindle Fire Will Impact Your Real Estate Deals

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on Thursday, 29 December 2011
Amazon’s new tablet was one of the hottest items being bought up in the holiday shopping rush. Beyond being a neat tool for reading books, it could also make a big impact on who wins at real estate investing in 2012.

With over 5 million Kindle Fires expected to be sold this year, advertising impressions growing faster on it than when the iPad was hot and mobile Internet use expected to surpass that of desktops in less than 24 months, real estate investing pros must be embracing mobile marketing.

Even those who weren’t lucky enough to find a Kindle Fire under their tree this Christmas may well have received an iPad 2 or one of the latest smartphones. We are now in an era where consumers want information in the moment. If you aren’t there when they are ready to search for houses, buy a home or reach out for help to sell their home your competitors will be.

So what should you be doing? Optimizing your website for the mobile web is an essential first step if you haven’t already. Otherwise even if prospects do find you they could find it too frustrating to do business with you.

Local search marketing is only going to become more important than ever in 2012. Think local business SEO, Google Places and Foursquare and work in your address to all of your web assets to make it easier to be found.

With the sizzling success of the Kindle Fire ebooks, especially those being sold through Amazon will become even more important for building credibility and attracting new buyers and sellers to fuel your real estate investing business. There are going to be millions of users looking for content to browse on their tablets, why shouldn’t they be reading what you want them to? You can even commission others to write these for you so you can remain focused on flipping houses and you may just find this can be a great secondary revenue source.

Finally, recognize that smartphones with larger screens and tablets like the Fire make social media much more important. People will be spending more time on platforms like Facebook. This is not just a chance to reach out to individuals but to reach the entire social networks of the many buyers and sellers you help too.
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Investors: How To Automate Your Business For More Free Time

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on Tuesday, 13 December 2011
With the holidays fast approaching who doesn’t want some extra free time before the New Year hits? Check out the following tips for automating your real estate business so that you can take a few days out without your income suffering...

1. Automate Your Marketing
Cutting out early to join holiday celebrations of even jetting away for a week doesn’t have to slow down your real estate investing business. Put your marketing on autopilot and watch the leads keep flowing in while you are kicking back and recharging your batteries. You can load and schedule everything from PPC advertising to emails to blogs and social media posts to run automatically until the new year.

2. Use Toll Free Forwarding
If you don’t already use a toll free number for your real estate investing business now is a great time to get one. Use it to increase brand recognition and improve marketing results. Plus, harness toll free call forwarding for making and receiving calls while maintaining a professional presence, just as if you were in the office the whole time.

3. Get A Virtual Assistant
You should already be using a virtual assistant of two to help you while flipping houses but if you haven’t hired one yet perhaps this should be the first gift you treat yourself to this year. Let your VAs handle incoming calls, answer email enquiries, process paperwork and screen new deals while you spend quality time with family and friends or watch the ball drop.

If your current structure requires you to be involved on a daily or hourly basis in order to flip houses and pull in profits then your New Year’s resolutions must include making plans to put systems in place so that you won’t be in this position this time next year.
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Investors: How To Automate Your Business For More Free Time

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on Tuesday, 13 December 2011
With the holidays fast approaching who doesn’t want some extra free time before the New Year hits? Check out the following tips for automating your real estate business so that you can take a few days out without your income suffering...

1. Automate Your Marketing
Cutting out early to join holiday celebrations of even jetting away for a week doesn’t have to slow down your real estate investing business. Put your marketing on autopilot and watch the leads keep flowing in while you are kicking back and recharging your batteries. You can load and schedule everything from PPC advertising to emails to blogs and social media posts to run automatically until the new year.

2. Use Toll Free Forwarding
If you don’t already use a toll free number for your real estate investing business now is a great time to get one. Use it to increase brand recognition and improve marketing results. Plus, harness toll free call forwarding for making and receiving calls while maintaining a professional presence, just as if you were in the office the whole time.

3. Get A Virtual Assistant
You should already be using a virtual assistant of two to help you while flipping houses but if you haven’t hired one yet perhaps this should be the first gift you treat yourself to this year. Let your VAs handle incoming calls, answer email enquiries, process paperwork and screen new deals while you spend quality time with family and friends or watch the ball drop.

If your current structure requires you to be involved on a daily or hourly basis in order to flip houses and pull in profits then your New Year’s resolutions must include making plans to put systems in place so that you won’t be in this position this time next year.
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What Every Real Estate Investor Needs On Their Xmas List

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on Tuesday, 06 December 2011
What should every real estate investor be asking for this Christmas if they don’t have it already?

Check out the following list of things to treat yourself to or print it and stick it on the fridge for your special someone to read...

1. A Blog/ Website Makeover
It doesn’t matter how great you are at what you do, how sweet your real estate deals are or how many people you drive to your web assets if your blog and website visuals are turning people off. Perhaps a makeover or move to one of the latest premium WordPress themes is just what is needed for a successful new year.

2. iPad 2
Every self-respecting real estate investor ought to have their own handy tablet as we cross over into 2012. It will help you better understand mobile marketing to your prospects, make it easy to stay wired in on the go and makes for far more professional pitches.

3. A Toll Free Vanity Number
Boost your brand, enhance your marketing results and be prepared to handle bus loads of new prospects while retaining your freedom with a great vanity number.

4. A Great Writer
Content marketing is only going to be more critical for successful real estate investing and flipping houses next year. Even if you are a master wordsmith yourself you are probably far better off hiring a great writer and focusing on bigger items.

5. A Coach Or Mentor
It doesn’t matter how good you are or how much you know, the most successful entrepreneurs and real estate investors in the world all have their own coaches or mentors to help the realize their maximum potential. So get yours.

6. Just A Few More Flips
Of course, just a couple more sweet real estate deals to flip quickly with the help of flash funding before the New Year arrives would be a nice bonus too.
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Are You Missing Out On 30% Of All Potential Buyers?

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on Wednesday, 26 October 2011
In many areas of the country foreign buyers now make up as much as 30% of all buyers. This is a number that is only likely to grow if newly proposed legislation is passed and promoted by the government.

A new bill proposed by two US Senators would create a new visa program offering residency in exchange for foreign buyers investing at least $500,000 in real estate. This can either be invested all in one residence of can be spread amongst multiple investment properties providing at least $250,000 is spent on a residence.

This will really tackle three issues all at the same time; attracting more foreign investment, moving foreclosure inventory faster and appeasing those seeking more lenient immigration rules. Of course this is all great news for investors and could bring a fresh rush of buyers with plenty of cash, with the government pitching in with a lot of marketing.

Marketing to foreign buyers doesn’t just mean more volume either. In many cases it can also offer bigger spreads. Some agents in hot markets have been reporting receiving full priced offers from overseas buyers on all of their listings. So expanding your marketing to include foreign buyers could not only mean flipping more houses but getting top dollar for them too.

So what can you do to reach and attract more foreign buyers? While many interested buyers will speak English you can also better equip your real estate investing businesses by bringing on more assistants who speak other languages, at least on an as needed basis. Then consider expanding your social media marketing to include platforms like Ecademy and Xing which are more popular with international businesses and real estate professionals. Plus you will also find European real estate related companies much more open to affiliate referral arrangements which you can use for promoting your properties.
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What Types Of Content Marketing Should You Be Using

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on Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Content marketing is now clearly not only one of the most effective ways of gaining new business but is critical for great SEO and an essential part of every real estate investor’s marketing strategy. So what types of content marketing should be in your arsenal?

Blogging is a way place to start your content marketing. It is very easy and offers many benefits for your real estate investing business. Being extremely versatile blogs can be used to target and appeal to both buyers and sellers making flipping houses a breeze providing you have a great transactional lender on your side. Blogs will boost your SEO, offer the chance to interact with prospects and will keep people coming back. Just remember that there is a big difference in results for those that post at least 5-8 times per week.

Article marketing is also great choice for those in the real estate investing business. It provides high quality back links to your website which can increase your Google rankings as well as capturing and loading your prospecting funnel with buyers and sellers searching for advice online.

No one should be without social media today. However, those working on a limited budget may want to restrict themselves to one or two social networks to begin with until they hve built them out and have a sizable following. Remember that while social media is not supposed to be a hard selling platform your content should still inspire action.

One of the most powerful forms of content marketing that is sadly far too often overlooked is writing your own press releases. You want more visibility and credibility. What better way to achieve this is there than getting in the news. You don’t have to wait to get picked up anymore, you get to write your own news and have it distributed to journalists and media across the country with just a couple clicks.

Then of course, let’s not forget social bookmarking and running email campaigns, both of which can provide new leads. However, while diversity in your marketing is good and you will need a lot of content the most important thing to focus on is quality over quantity for realizing the best results in your real estate investing business.
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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Marketing Budget

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on Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Real estate investors, especially those who are starting on a tight budget often find themselves faced with tough choices as to where to dedicate their marketing budgets. So how do you get the most out of what you’ve got?

The biggest problem most real estate investors encounter when planning their advertising is trying to split it between marketing to buyers and sellers. While you of course need both to make money from real estate investing, dividing your budget means decreasing your advertising effectiveness. If you can hone in on one side then you will find that you will get far more out of your budget.

Fortunately with so much inventory still out there between REOs, short sales, foreclosure auctions,  HUD homes and other wholesalers you really need to spend very little time and money on looking for sellers. Choosing a few select sources that can bring you discounted properties every week and getting a few bird dogs out there hunting for off market distressed homes should provide you all the inventory you need. This will allow you to spend more on attracting the most precious commodity of the moment, home buyers.

If you have plenty of buyers you will find flipping houses becomes extremely easy and you will have more investing opportunities than you can handle. By cultivating a large database of buyers first you will also be able to take advantage transactional funding which not only makes turning properties faster but will keep you flush with cash which can be invested into more marketing, helping you to rocket your real estate investing career even further than you imagined.

Types of buyer marketing that you may want explore which can provide maximum reach and ROI on your time and dollars include social media, webinars and cross promotions and joint ventures with strategic business partners.

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Lessons For Real Estate Investors From 9/11

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on Monday, 12 September 2011

9/11 is not an occasion to be taken lightly and is a day that we should all recognize and remember forever. It has meant a lot of changes for all of us in many ways, including many changes in the business world. This leaves us with a few important lessons for real estate investors.

Firstly, just as rebuilding on the world trade center site is a great way to send a message to our enemies and to literally rebuild our country and fight back against the damage done to us, so is flipping houses. Helping the housing market to recycle foreclosures, renovate run down properties, create jobs and produce disposable income which can help improve retail numbers all assists in rebuilding our economy. Whether on not you believe in the wars we have engaged in, if your boots aren’t on the ground overseas, it is your duty to help the nation and if you can make a handsome paycheck while doing it, then all the better.

Whatever your view of the current leadership or how we got into the state we are in now, it pays for all of us to do our part to keep this country strong. If not for the good of all, to help those in need or out of patriotism at least because it will benefit you in turn. The better the economy, the more home buyers, the faster the appreciation, the easier financing becomes and the more money you will make from real estate investing.

However, in order for you to accomplish this and to ensure the longevity and profitability of your real estate investing activities you must build a bullet proof business. A big part of this is ensuring your business continuity through having the right tools and having a sustainable real estate investing system. This means taking advantage of cloud computing, toll free numbers or Internet phone services for connectivity and using consistent, easy and fast funding sources.

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Hurricane Preparedness For Your Real Estate Investing Business

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on Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Hopefully you haven’t been to badly affected by hurricane Irene, though with 3 more months of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season to go and 8 more hurricanes forecast you must make sure that your real estate investing business is prepared.

There are many resources online for tracking storms, finding tips for protecting your properties and advice on battling with your insurance company to get what you are owed. However, what is equally if not more important is business continuity and having your real estate investing business prepared. There may not be much you can do to prevent property damage if a category 4 hurricane sweeps through town, but you can survive losing a property or two a lot easier than being out of business for several week or months.

If you are not prepared and set up to stay wired and connected when a storm rolls in you are asking for trouble. It is usually not the impact of the hurricane itself that kills businesses. It is not having internal or external communication and access to crucial data. This means no deals are being done, all of the marketing you have out there is wasted, staff will leave and your competition will move in. By the time you catch up it could easily be 3,6 or even 12 months down the road. Can your business and your bank account take it?

So what should you be doing to prepare your real estate business? By utilizing Internet phone services which can be forwarded anywhere, using cloud computing technology for accessing databases, storing information and collaborating and having remote staff on call you can keep on operating without missing a beat.

Though this is also a time to line up back up financing sources so that you can still close those deals you were working on and take advantage of hot opportunities with flash funding and transactional lending.
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7 Tips For Successful Real Estate Investing

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on Tuesday, 12 July 2011
1. Have A System
Don’t just have a plan, have a system that with enable you to operate efficiently and rapidly grow and scale your real estate investing activities. This way one day you can even begin franchising or sell your business for big bucks.

2. Find A Great Funding Source
Even if you are getting into real estate investing cash rich at some point you are going to want to use leverage to do even more. So find a few great funding sources for your acquisitions including conventional mortgage lenders and banks as well as private lenders and transactional funding sources.

3. Build Relationships & Partnerships
Loyalty goes a long way in real estate investing. Plus the more business you give one company whether it is a transactional lender or Realtor the better deals and more flexibility you will find. You can also bet that having a good relationship with your vendors can also help you pull off even faster closings and flash funding when you really need to get a deal done ASAP.

4. Inspections
You have heard it before, but it really can’t be said enough - always get inspections done no matter how many deals you have done before and how fantastic a condition the property appears to be in. This also applies to walk-throughs. You never know what can happen between the time you sign the contract and you hand over the cash.

5. Don’t Alienate Real Estate Agents
Some real estate investment courses have portrayed real estate agents as the enemy and too costly to deal with. However, in reality they can often find you great deals, save you plenty of time and even help you find the best flash funding sources when you need quick financing to close on your flips.

6. Always Be Networking
Sometimes it is really who you know, not what you know that brings you great deals and helps you get them closed. Your success in real estate investing will directly relate to how many new contacts you can make each day.

7. Keep Building Your Marketing Skills & Knowledge
Today the deals go to those who are great at marketing themselves. So keep on top of the latest trends, embrace social media and mobile marketing and get out there to win the most buyers and sellers.
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