Wholesaling Pros: How To Get The Attention You Deserve

by blogger1
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on Sep 06 in BestTransactionFunding
Even though the U.S. real estate market is booming and the demand from end buyers is enormous many wholesalers are still struggling to get the attention they need and deserve to real drive the volume of deal flow that they’d like to and hit their personal and business goals.

So if you can relate, what’s the best way to gain more visibility, grab attention and get others busy promoting you?

One of the most common ways that real estate professionals attempt to attract more attention and artificially boost their credibility is with expensive toys. This runs the gamut from expensive clothes and even more expensive cars to bigger homes, lavish dinners and parties and more. Unfortunately what goes wrong here is that with only a couple of exceptions these are the side effects of success, not the marketing tools to get there. Doing it in reverse is often only the fast track to bankruptcy following a whole line of terrible decisions.

Most real estate wholesalers would be far better off putting that cash to work in direct advertising to generate returns rather than just inflating their own egos. However, before you go gambling on an array of giant billboard ads, radio play of TV commercials take the time to weigh the real ROI. While not as spectacular could simple bandit signs, Facebook promoted posts and Google Adwords, and commenting in online forums like Bigger Pockets actually produce a much better ROI?

If the issue isn’t necessarily web traffic or broad visibility but credibility and conversions most wholesalers can do a lot to improve their numbers by getting better at positioning. This can be both physical positioning of real estate advertising and positioning against or in alignment with bigger brands within advertisements. For example; we all know how terribly home builders are gouging today’s buyers with top of the market prices and pushing them to use in-house. Preferred vendors. So what about bench ads right outside a development with “‘like new’ houses for a fraction of the cost, and no slimy sales people in suits to deal with”?

When it comes to leveraging influencers today (which is really the fast track to credibility, visibility and profitability) newer investors have to prove themselves. That influencer worked hard and invested a lot in getting where they are today. Why should they let you ride their coattails for free, especially when they don’t know what impact you are going to have on their reputation?

Use creative guerrilla marketing moves to get their attention, and show how valuable you can be for them first. Then once you get the shot – do good deals and earn referrals and repeat business.
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