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The Twitter IPO For Real Estate Wholesalers

by blogger1
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on Friday, 08 November 2013
What does the massive Twitter IPO mean for real estate wholesalers?

Today saw the launch of the long awaited and hugely hyped Twitter IPO. So what does it all mean for real estate investors? Good, bad, ugly, or the best news of the year?

Twitter’s IPO winded up being a pretty significant success. At least it received a far warmer welcome and better reviews than Facebook’s. Surprisingly the IPO became the second largest internet IPO, beating out Google.

While the social network’s IPO saw share prices soar some 92% in the first day of trading, they summarily fell from the sky like a winged bird; winding up below opening price within hours.

Further commentary from some of the top tech analysts chided the theater as another indicator of not only IPOs, but tech stocks as a whole being “overblown” and about ready for a down cycle.
The lessons here are clear. Stocks are extremely volatile, and normally not in a good way. There is pretty much zero control over these investments and no protection from the downside. To top it off it appears the whole tech industry is primed for a pop.

So for real estate wholesalers this is firstly a resounding confirmation that you are on the right track. You might be extra proud if you flipped a $100 million of Twitter stock today and doubled your dough. Few probably did that, and few if any will anytime soon, if ever again. With flipping houses though, you can do far better than that every day and retain full control of how much you make. The icing on the cake is that the new real estate boom is just taking off and likely has another 7 to 15 years to enjoy.

Use these facts, plus the other advantages of direct real estate investment like leverage and tax benefits to highlight the benefits for your end buyers and investors to wholesale more homes to them.

The Twitter IPO will also certainly mean a shake up for advertisers with many new ways to wholesale homes via the social network. In addition to the powerful Twitter advertising options for small business already being offered and new additions like zip code geo-targeting and data sales, more will come and make it a more attractive platform for real estate investment companies.

Of course it might be fun to grab a single Twitter stock certificate to hang on the wall and show off, but the real money is undoubtedly in leveraging as much transactional funding as possible to capitalize on the current real estate market.
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The Real Deal On Twitter Advertising For Wholesalers

by blogger1
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on Friday, 25 October 2013
How can real estate wholesalers effectively leverage Twitter advertising for flipping more properties?

Real estate investors have been constantly hounded with the message that they need to be using social media more. It is reportedly one of the most powerful, efficient and cost effective methods of real estate marketing today. However, a lot has changed in the world of social media marketing recently, and it is often far from free.

Fortunately, some paid social marketing options have proven to be even better. Using them can deliver predictable results and for sure metrics.

Many have already been using Facebook ads in addition to Google Adwords. However, Twitter also offers its own advertising options too. So do they work for wholesaling real estate? What tips can help to increase their profitability? And are there any better options?

With the Twitter IPO it is probably safe to assume there will be some tweaks in the near future, with even more monetization and advertising developments to please shareholders.

In the meantime Twitter offers Twitter Cards for lead generation, as well as Promoted Tweets and Promoted Account options. Both Promoted Tweets and Promoted Accounts can be used like other Pay-Per-Click or CPA (Cost-Per-Action) advertising services. In other words wholesalers can bid to have their Twitter accounts and Tweets promoted and only pay when users engage with them. Engagements can be charged as follows and clicks.

Real estate marketers can not only use this to build a Twitter following fast, but also to drive in web traffic to specific pages and reach influencers to spread the word, all of which can help boost Google rankings for wholesaler’s websites.

Results can be much improved by using smart timing, keywords, demographics and targeting by which other Twitter handles users are following. Those that want to go big may consider going outside of Twitter to third party services which offer platforms for getting celebrities to send out Tweets to promote accounts and products. There is serious potential here, but it isn’t cheap. Having a heavyweight Twitter celebrity like the Kardashians Tweet about your homes or real estate business could set you back well over $10k a pop.

On the downside Twitter advertising still often fails to deliver targeted followers and traffic due to not being able to select targeting by both interests and other selects simultaneously. Plus, the per action rates can be significantly higher than other solutions.

In fact, some many find blogging for traffic or Facebook ads produce a much higher ROI. Facebook can actually be far less expensive than Twitter, and with to fuel you with all of the capital you need these ads can provide a constant stream of deals to flip.
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