Tricks & Treats For Wholesaling Houses This Halloween

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on Sep 30 in BestTransactionFunding

Halloween is coming up fast, and it’s a great time for wholesaling houses if you are prepared to capitalize on it…

Consistency in marketing and income is great to achieve when flipping houses, but it is unique annual occasions like this that hold the opportunity to help real estate investors really maximize their potential.

What far too many investors overlook during October is that many sellers are sweating it during these months following the summer rush. This turns them into far more motivated sellers meaning great discounts can be negotiated.

Plus Halloween brings plenty of fun opportunities for turning these homes around quickly for big profits.

For marketers with even minimal creativity events like Halloween can deliver far higher ROI than normal. Even the most unadventurous can capitalize on the moment to gain more clicks and keep website visitors on page longer with Halloween themed content. This works for Google Adwords, email campaigns, blogging, direct mail and social media.

Those real estate wholesalers really ready to have a good time will really love their jobs at this time of year. You can simply act to capitalize on increased foot and car traffic with more bandit signs and getting your business cards or listing fliers in candy bags.

Extroverts can use every trick or treating family as a chance to network or even organize a community event and connect with everyone. While even the most introverted can set up candy stations outside and get the job done without constantly having to get up and answer the door or hide from the pranksters.

Of course it is an awesome time for flipping haunted houses too. Themed open houses can be a big hit and are great for as-is nightmares. For those that even have real haunted houses under contract, with the right stories in the media this could lead to amazing PR opportunities and big paychecks.

Don’t let cash hold you back either. Ramping up the volume this year is made incredibly easy thanks to the availability of transactional funding. So if you need more cash to do more deals check out how can help with your short term financing needs…

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