Transactional Funding for Bailing Out Deals During Government Shutdown

by blogger1
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on Oct 05 in BestTransactionFunding
The government shutdown has been causing havoc for many, but it also brings great opportunities for quick thinking real estate investors.

The current government shutdown, however short lived is being disruptive for many real estate transactions. There is little concern of any stunting of the new real estate boom, however the income interruption and hampering of closings for some are messing with deals.

Fidelity title is reportedly taking a beating to share prices, agents have been calling out for new buyers in their home listings online, and investors have been hitting online forums to complain about tenants alerting them to stopping rent payments and needing new buyers for deals.

Government backed loans may be affected and some processing of mortgages while federal employees are out. Once the 800k displaced federal workers are back in action they’ll now get their pay, but as an experienced investor knows sellers and agents aren’t eager to hang on for maybe closings these days.

It’s already a scary time of year for many sellers and agents, especially with the holidays looming. This is a great time for investors to be the hero and put super profits in the bank by using to swoop in grab deals on their terms.

Now’s the time to ramp up wholesaling volume to finish 2013 strong. The extra income will afford investors to take some real relaxing time off before the end of year and roll into the New Year flush with cash and ready to get a great start on achieving annual goals.

So get the word out that you can help salvage deals on the rocks and make everyone’s year, including yours.
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