The Latest On Mobile Marketing For Wholesalers [Not What You Think...]

by blogger1
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on Oct 31 in BestTransactionFunding
Mobile isn’t just a great medium for wholesaling marketing for real estate investors today, it offers a way to level the playing field, increase conversions and even get the jump on the competition. However, mobile marketing isn’t evolving quite as many anticipated. So what tactics can wholesalers leverage to get the edge?

Whether you are a solo investor just starting out or the CEO of a real estate investing franchise network mobile simply can’t be ignored. Virtually everyone has a mobile phone today and they are increasingly using them to do more research, shopping and find help. This also means that when they are using their mobile devices they are often in the right place, at the right time and right mindset for not just receiving messaging but eagerly taking action on it too. That means higher response rates, conversions and marketing ROI.

Four Ways to Engage Mobile & Win:

1. Your Mobile Optimized Site

Gone are the days of running multiple sites for desktops and mobile. Most independent business owners ought to be aware of the need for mobile responsive designed sites which automatically resize themselves to fit user’s screens. This should be old news. Tomorrow’s leaders, big leader generators and closers are now utilizing responsive sites which automatically personalize user experience on times they’ve visited, where they came from, and status in the pipeline.

2. Social

Social is the easy short cut to tapping into mobile prospecting for most real estate investors. It can be as cheap as free. However, it can also certainly pay to embrace paid Facebook and Twitter ads. Odds are a good portion of your traffic is coming from these channels already. You just need to turn up the volume.

3. Mobile Search

For those hungry for inbound leads and who have already been working on building their content efforts can be dramatically increased when complimented by paid search advertising. Many investors, including some of those with the bigger pockets that are spending six figures on Google Adwords aren’t bidding on mobile yet. Use this to leave the playing field for your budget. Think mobile text ads, video ads and even better – click-2-call for generating hot live inbound phone leads from highly motivated sellers and cash buyers.

4. Crossing Over
Many real estate wholesalers still have a hard time ditching traditional media for digital. Yet, while that is almost understandable it is certainly suicidal for most. Fortunately there are ways to leverage the best of bother worlds. QR codes have been great for this but may not be around much longer. Google Glass was hoped to be the next big thing but in terms of actually being effective on a decent scale for real estate marketing we are probably years away, except for at the highest end. By then other tech and trends will already be in play. Fortunately there are already a wide range of augmented reality solutions for crossing over from print and outdoor advertising to the web which can be deployed right now, and should be.

So get your mobile on, score more deals and let fuel your transactions and help put more dough in your pocket fast…
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