[Wholesaling Houses] 5 Unexpected Channels To More End Buyers

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on Mar 12 in BestTransactionFunding

While many US housing markets are on fire in 2015, getting paid as a real estate wholesaler is all about getting the end buyers. So where are they?

Many individuals might be buying the media spin about declining foreclosures and default rates, but not the serious wholesalers with the real data. However, even though inventory may be plentiful, properties are selling in hours, and transactional funding allows real estate investors to scale instantly, the dots are only connected to the cash when the end buyers are lined up.

Obviously the challenge is that everyone is after the buyers. The solution is gaining referrals where others aren’t.

How about…

Probate Attorneys

Probate attorneys are sometimes sought out by real estate investors and wholesalers as a source of acquisitions. However, these professionals are also in touch with all of the heirs inheriting property and liquidating estates, and in course of other business – heads of estates who are often investors. Why not tap them for buyer leads?


Okay, real estate agents may be hit up by investors and wholesalers all the time. But rarely are they approached in the right way. Offering 3% or more commission to a Realtor with a consistent volume of business, and in particular off market deals can leave them to focus on feeding you more buyers, and making your deals the ones they push hardest to their most qualified clients.

Mortgage Brokers

As with the above mortgage brokers are often sorely under tapped as a resource. Forget the refinance turndowns. They often make a lot more on purchase loans. They have great relationships with repeat buyers and end investors that are qualified and stuck until they can find deals to jump on.


Local bartenders are privy to so many conversations that others aren’t, and for some reason they are often perceived as trusted referral sources. Why shouldn’t the best bartenders in the best establishments in town have your business cards to hand out to those that are looking for property to buy at just the right moment? This is particularly true in gateway cities and tourist destinations where visitors don’t know anyone else and need answers fast.

Vacation Rental Owners

Building on the above; why not reduce the chances of missing out on leads in popular vacation and business areas by connecting with vacation rental owners, and corporate housing or extended stay operators, and leveraging them to market to business and vacation travelers who may be prime prospects for buying?

Authored by Best Transaction Funding BestTransactionFunding.com is the leading source of transactional funding and hard money loans for real estate wholesalers in the US, where 100% financing, and saying “Yes” is what we love doing all day long.

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