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7 Real Estate Blogging Lessons From The World’s Top Blogger

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on Thursday, 11 February 2016

What can the world’s top marketer teach real estate investors about blogging?

Seth Godin is a Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame inductee, author of 17 best-selling books, and the blogger that top bloggers go to for advice. How can real estate investors replicate his success and rocket the results from their blogs?

Blog Consistently

Seth is a national speaker, teacher, and writer, yet he manages to blog every day. In a recent interview with Tim Ferriss he says he actually writes 5 blog posts every day. While most property wholesalers, flippers, and real estate CEOs don’t have that kind of time themselves; they can recruit outsourced assistants and ensure they publish something on their blog each day, week, or month. Everything else comes second to this consistency.

Give Value First

Seth rarely pitches his own products on his blog. And that is no doubt one of the reasons people keep opening his email updates and read it religiously. He gives, gives, and gives some more. By giving he earns trust and attention. When he does get around to pitching a service or product, his blog readers know that because of his generosity that whatever he is selling must be worth it.

Give People What They Want to Buy

Want to sell more? Give people what they want to buy, and read. What is it that your prospects really want to know about? What type of service are they really looking for? It really doesn’t matter if you think it is important or valuable. It is about what they want.

Short Blog Posts Still Work

While some real estate blogs are continually trying to stretch the length of their posts to 800 words, 1,000 words, and even over 2,000 words. Often just because they heard someone say that Google likes longer posts. How many properties has Google bought from you or sold to you recently? Meanwhile Seth Godin is famous for blog posts which are often just a couple lines long. And people read them. Both long and short posts can work, but don’t forget who you are writing for.

You Are Capable of a Lot More

If there is one thing that Seth wants you to know it is that you are capable of achieving a lot more. If you just set your goals a little higher, or a lot higher you may be amazed at what you can achieve. Can you get to daily blogging on your real estate website? Then scale from 10 deals a year to 100 deals a year? How about finding an even more impactful way to leave a legacy than just amassing lots of zeros in your bank account?

Focus on what is Most Important

Streamline your life, your real estate marketing, and your blog to get more of what matters most. Say no to more distractions. Don’t get side tracked with all types of bells and whistles. Don’t go off on detours which just take you further from your goals. Seth’s blog is truly no frills. Yet, it works. And he still has time to cook dinner for his family every night.

Constantly Be Learning and Discovering

If you want more success you’ve got to be constantly be learning, discovering, and trying things. Seth says he only has more successes than most because he has tried more times. He also has more failures than most, and is most proud of that. Because he tried. He doesn’t sweat the typos, or worry about making wrong predictions, or reading opinions about his work. He just keeps trying new things. Try real estate blogs that are short, long, medium length, that have links, or no links, that use keywords, and no SEO keywords, that blatantly sell, and others that don’t sell at all. You can’t get more results and close more deals unless you are trying new things.


Authored by Best Transaction Funding is the leading source of transactional funding and hard money loans for real estate wholesalers in the US, where 100% financing, and saying “Yes” is what we love doing all day long.

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Combating The Myths of Beautification & Word Count For Successful Wholesaling Blogs

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on Thursday, 02 October 2014

Is beauty in design and long word counts for real estate blog posts really essential for successful property wholesaling blogs?

Despite the hype, the hard data might show that real estate wholesalers should be focusing on a completely different set of criteria…

Now that real estate investors and wholesalers have access to virtually unlimited working capital via and hard money loans, all they really need to crank up the volume is the end customers.

Real estate blogging for end buyers, and even renters, motivated sellers, and investors is one of the best ways to reach them and build a high volume business. Unfortunately there are many myths holding investors back from seeing the results they desire in this area. Two of the biggest right now are real estate blog design, and word counts for higher traffic levels and Google rankings.

Designer Blogs vs. Craigslist

How beautiful do real estate wholesaling blogs and websites need to be, in order to be successful?

Craigslist has proven that you don’t have to be beautiful to be successful. However, few investors and real estate websites have found the same level of traffic and traction without investing in some beautification. In fact, many completely fail because their online appearance lets them down.

For real estate website and blog owners that haven’t been seen the results they hoped for yet, check out SkyFive Properties Blog. SkyFive founder Kaya Wittenburg has applied years of working with top international fashion designers like Versace and Armani to real estate. The result; selling over four billion dollars in property.

Those that recognize their online assets could use a bit of a facelift might find this is the optimal moment to move over to stunning responsive HTML5 website and blog design for WordPress. Give your content the chance of being read, by not turning off visitors as soon as they land on your page.

Dueling the Search Engines for Rank, with Word Count

A post on Inman News recently argued that real estate professionals need to be writing 1k+ word posts to get noticed by Google. While slowly showing up in more Google search results 2k+ word ‘in-depth’ posts they haven’t necessarily been delivering better results for real estate bloggers. Often the results are only served up from high level news publications, and are very aged, not new posts.

Bloggers should carefully measure ‘time-on-page’ before making all of their posts this long. They may find no one takes the time to read them. On September 25th, Google announced another Panda algorithm update, following on from the August 2014 ‘Pigeon Update’, meaning quality is more important than ever. However, bigger certainly isn’t always better for generating online traffic and real leads.

Our results in testing shorter posts is definitely testimony to that. Our piece on the Google pigeon update scored more visitors and Facebook likes than most real estate related bloggers’ long form content.

While industry brands like CT Homes LLC seem to have gone with all long form posts recently, and are apparently doing well with it, best-selling author Seth Godin rarely publishes blog posts over 100 words. Then just look at Pinterest and Twitter which have achieved content marketing fame with 140 characters or simply images.

What Really Matters for Creating a Real Estate Wholesaling Blog that Works…

What really appears to matter most for building real estate blogs that deliver real results is:

  • Valuable content
  • Interesting content
  • Digestible content
  • Consistency in publishing regular blogs

Do this and it will grow, and readers will share, come back, and do business with you when they need help.

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New Google Pigeon Update Shakes Up Online Real Estate Market

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on Thursday, 14 August 2014

Will Google’s new Pigeon update kill your real estate website traffic?

According to SEO experts Google’s latest change to how it ranks websites in search has impacted as many as 60% of results. Among those most seriously effected have been mortgages, apartments for rent, and local real estate businesses. If it hasn’t hit your property website yet, the rolling algorithm could very soon.

So what has Google done now? How can real estate wholesalers claw their way back to more traffic?

Google Pigeon Update

According to Search Engine Land, the new Google Pigeon update seems to mostly be a response to Yelp’s complaints about its pages not having a high enough rank in search results. This is based on Yelp results now placing at the top if “Yelp” is included in search terms.

However, Yelp hasn’t been the only resulting change. The big shake up is that the old local business directory results are being removed in many searches. This means the local real estate businesses which used to show up on page one of Google are gone. They appear to be replaced mostly with Zillow and Trulia results, with putting up an admirable fight.

This means many local real estate companies may already have lost 60% of their online business, even if they haven’t realized it yet.

How to Fight Back

  1. Join more business directories, especially local ones, including magazine directories
  2. Review all online business listings and make sure your information matches
  3. Optimize business listings for local and niche keywords
  4. Consider building your own local real estate business directory pages on-site
  5. Diversify into more types of online marketing including real estate blogging, new social platforms, and PPC with Google Adwords, and other paid online ad placement


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