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Holiday Sales Strategy For Real Estate Wholesalers

by blogger1
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on Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The holidays are coming. What wholesalers do right now will make all the difference in how they end the year financially, the extent to which they get to enjoy the holidays, and whether they start 2015 behind, or ahead of the game.

So what are the best strategies for navigating the mayhem and opportunities for real estate wholesalers over the next few weeks?

There are just a few days left for real estate wholesalers to really step up and get ready to win over the next few months. Retailers are already pushing their Christmas wares and we aren’t even through Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday yet. These days are all magnificent opportunities to really ramp up hard and fill the pipeline to roll through to February with plenty of cash rolling in. So what are the best moves to ensure the coming weeks put you on top, versus flop?

Now is the time to take the time to plan and commission marketing materials to carry you through. There are always snags and unexpected hold-ups. If your content, ads, and infrastructure isn’t ready in advance it may all go to waste.

Get ahead of the surge, and then be sure to take a break on Thanksgiving, fuel up, and reenergize so that you are on top of your game for the rush.

This is also time to line up your capital and transactional funding so that deals can be processed and flipped fluidly.

Real estate investors and executives shouldn’t neglect to take advantage of holiday sales themselves either. If substantial discounts can be found on homes, office and property related supplies, marketing channels and more, this can add significant bumps to net profits over the next year, and can be compounded beyond that.

As far as specific strategies and tactics to focus on between now and December wholesalers should get serious about…

  • In-person networking
  • Capitalizing on the seasonal surge in web traffic with themed content
  • Forging new strategic partnerships
  • Promoting the holidays and the end of the year as the optimal time to buy homes as gifts and to reduce annual tax liability


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