Wholesaling Real Estate: The Secrets Of Long Term Success

by blogger1
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on Jan 11 in BestTransactionFunding


Want to keep on enjoying the incredible perks of wholesaling real estate?

Here are six secrets of the super successful over the long run…

Deliver What You Say

If there is one thing that makes or breaks a real estate wholesaler, and the business, it is delivering not just value, but what is presented. You may not have done a full appraisal, or full inspection, but you should represent the product well. Just like you hate walking into a hotel with your family on vacation to find it is nothing like the pictures. Or the opposite can really wow you.

Invest Yourself in Making Your Buyers Successful

The same goes for your sellers too. People can tell if you are just trying to make a buck off of them, or you are really eager to help them succeed. Help them win, and they’ll be able to buy more deals from you.


To go big, and long in this business, you’ve got to have systems. Systems for sourcing deals, distributing inventory, and making the closings work as smoothly as possible.

Embrace New Technology

Not every investor loves to play around with every new device, or test out new tech in their business. Yet, if is one of the easy ways to keep getting noticed, stand out, be more efficient, and get an edge. That runs the gamut from new phones with better cameras, to funding option, methods of communicating, and lead generation software.

Build a Long Pipeline

Short term thinkers are always desperately looking to close a deal today, and to pay the bills this month (maybe even for last month). That’s an expensive way to do business, and has many pitfalls. The savviest also work on building their future pipeline. Don’t throw away leads, just because they aren’t ready to close yet. If you start nurturing a bulging database now, you can have 10 or more deals coming in every month on autopilot for the years ahead. Treat everyone well, drip market to them via email, Facebook, and mail.

Build Your Brand

Don’t just market at people either. Devote time and budget to grow your brand each month. Then people will come to you. Be proactive about protecting your reputation. Especially online. Roll out content that will keep in front of your customers for years.

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