How Tough Is It Really To Find Transactional Funding These Days?

by blogger1
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on Jun 24 in BestTransactionFunding
A few years ago during the big boom in the housing market it was only the real pros who could get access to transactional funding and you often had to be pretty well connected to be able to take advantage of it. However, you could say that the one great thing that has come out of the recent rise in foreclosures is that transactional funding has actually become much easier to get your hands on.

Some people confuse transactional funding with hard money lenders and private mortgage lenders, however it is actually very different in some ways. No doubt everyone has learnt that hard money lenders have become far more cautious and strict on the loans they make than a couple of years ago. It used to be that providing you had a pulse and there was equity in a property that you could get a loan. Today these hard money lenders are often offering very limited LTVs and even require credit reports and proof of income and assets in many cases. This makes it a lot more like trying to jump through the hoops of a conventional mortgage lender or bank than what hard money was designed to be like.

In contrast transactional funding couldn’t be easier to get. You need to be aware that this is not a form of financing that works for those with buy and hold strategies, but it is perfect for wholesalers and those focused on flipping houses. Transactional funding is specifically for those who already have an end buyer and simply need the funds to close on the A-B transaction first.

What do you need to qualify for transactional funding? Virtually all you really need is your purchase contract and your sales contract with proof that your end buyer has been approved for a loan or has the cash to buy the property. There are no appraisals needed, no income and asset verification or credit checks. It is really that easy and you couldn’t ask for a better way to keep a steady stream of deal flowing. A few years ago during the big boom in the housing market it was only the real pros who could get access to transactional funding and you often had to be pretty well connected to be able to take advantage of it. However, you could say that the one great thing that has come out of the recent rise in foreclosures is that transactional funding has actually become much easier to get your hands on.

Some people confuse transactional funding with hard money lenders and private mortgage lenders, however it is actually very different in some ways. No doubt everyone has learnt that hard money lenders have become far more cautious and strict on the loans they make than a couple of years ago. It used to be that providing you had a pulse and there was equity in a property that you could get a loan. Today these hard money lenders are often offering very limited LTVs and even require credit reports and proof of income and assets in many cases. This makes it a lot more like trying to jump through the hoops of a conventional mortgage lender or bank than what hard money was designed to be like.

In contrast transactional funding couldn’t be easier to get. You need to be aware that this is not a form of financing that works for those with buy and hold strategies, but it is perfect for wholesalers and those focused on flipping houses. Transactional funding is specifically for those who already have an end buyer and simply need the funds to close on the A-B transaction first.

What do you need to qualify for transactional funding? Virtually all you really need is your purchase contract and your sales contract with proof that your end buyer has been approved for a loan or has the cash to buy the property. There are no appraisals needed, no income and asset verification or credit checks. It is really that easy and you couldn’t ask for a better way to keep a steady stream of deal flowing.
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