Big Tech Giants In The Real Estate Business

by blogger1
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on Mar 22 in BestTransactionFunding


Some of our biggest tech companies are increasingly becoming real estate businesses.

As we’ve realized that McDonald’s is predominately a real estate business, many big technology companies and tech entrepreneurs are also moving more heavily into the property business.

Amazon is one of the most notable examples of these new super-sized real estate players. Jeff Bezos’ baby has completely changed Seattle in terms of both property prices and the look of the landscape. It’s search for a new second Amazon headquarters has whipped up a frenzy in the media and has spurred competition by many cities to compete to be the location. Others, like Atlanta have shied away from it, knowing that it will also deplete affordability. Still, all across the country Amazon has been testing retail stores, taking over grocery stores, and setting up new distribution centers. Real estate is a huge part of its business model and company value.

Google has been a little quieter with its real estate moves, but has quickly become one of the biggest real estate investors in America. Google now holds a portfolio worth an estimated $14B. That includes recently buying a single property in New York for around $2.4B. One of the most expensive properties ever sold, with a new record price per square foot of $2,000. The company could own and control a lot more than most realize between all of its business lines and subsidiaries too.

Elon Musk and his handful of brands are deeply real estate related too. He is big into solar and has launched the Hyperloop in India. Then there is Tesla which has a home battery panel, and home car charging stations, which could eventually become a part of Tesla branded homes. His Space X venture could be the first to build residences on Mars.

Airbnb and WeWork recently partnered up to offer workspace and housing for the new generation of remote workers that has taken over. Uber’s former CEO, Travis recently made his own move into real estate, buying a controlling stake in a commercial real estate company that repurposes property for more modern companies.

This all only confirms how important real estate is, especially if you want to build a strong and lasting business, or even just boost your own personal income and retirement portfolio. You can mimic some of these moves or find your niche and help and serve the growing number of corporations, tech entrepreneurs and celebrity house flippers with inventory as a wholesaler. You can wholesale houses, commercial, residential, and mixed use property.

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