Wholesaling Real Estate: How To Create Better Craigslist Ads

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on Mar 27 in BestTransactionFunding


Ready to create more effective Craigslist ads for you wholesale real estate deals?

Many real estate wholesalers are using Craigslist to promote their properties. It can be a viable platform for advertising real estate. Yet, how you structure your ads can make a world of a difference in the results you get.

If you aren’t getting the sales you expected, or are bogged down with unqualified leads and time consuming calls that leads nowhere, try out these tips…

Your Contact Info

Make sure your contact information is obvious, and that prospective buyers can get through to you in their preferred medium. Many buyers on Craigslist prefer making email inquiries. They don’t want to be sold or spend time on the phone unless it is a good fit. So, enable email replies, have a phone number, and any other contact details you are using regularly.


The more pictures you can include the better. No one really expects all wholesale deals to be beautiful. What they want is to know the real deal to figure out if it is a match. You’ve got to close that gap if you want qualified leads to contact you. So, ugly or not, include as many photos as you can.

Repair Info

Many qualified house buyers may skip your ads if you aren’t clear on what repairs are needed or not. Some will assume the worst, and just move on. You don’t have to include a full inspection report, but if the electrical and plumbing is okay, say it. If the roof is still viable mention that.

Cash or Finance

It’s okay to say you only want cash buyers, if you really must have a cash buyer. That will filter out a lot of inquiries that don’t match. However, if you are willing to finance the property, make sure you say that upfront in your headline, or you’ll be missing buyers too.

Justify the Price

Some real estate ads get skipped because they sound too cheap or too good to be true. Buyers assume there is a bigger problem lurking. If you need to move it fast and are discounting it for speed, or condition, mention that.

If You Repost Ads

Serious buyers are checking Craigslist every day, week in and month out. If your headline was “this won’t last a week!” and then you repost 2 weeks later you lose credibility. Let them know why. Did the last deal fall through? Have you dropped the price? Get all that in your headline.

Lead to Effective Landing Pages

If you are going to try and draw people to your real estate website with your ad, make sure it takes them to an effective landing page. One which is unique, clear about the process, has the ability capture leads but also enables them to graze and find out more about you and your other inventory.

It’s okay not to be so corporate. Sometimes a personal touch and connection can be better than a cheap brand or cold corporate giant. It depends on who you are dealing with and the types of buyers you are trying to attract. Know your customers.


Don’t waste time posting house ads on Craigslist if you are not going to respond to leads. You are just going to burn potential connections and buyers.

Then if they see your ads again, they will probably report you as spam or a scam. When buyers do reach out, get their direct email address and phone in case you take your ad down or it expires.

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