Video Marketing Tips for Real Estate Investors

by blogger1
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on Jan 24 in BestTransactionFunding
Video is set to be the most important marketing element for all industries this year but none perhaps as much as real estate.

It doesn’t matter whether you are just flipping a couple properties per year or 30 a month if you plan to compete for tenants and buyers and win you are going to need video on your side. Why? Video isn’t just a neat addition to your website, blog and marketing campaigns. It is fast becoming a differentiating factor between those real estate companies who are reputable and attractive for tenants, buyers, lenders and sellers to do business and those who aren’t. Which side do you want to be on?

Many real estate investment companies have shied away from using video so far because they wrongly believe it is too expensive or just don’t know where to start. However, this has indeed been an expensive mistake while the competition has seen response rates on emails campaigns and on site conversions rocket from incorporating videos. It doesn’t have to cost a mint and you don’t have to be a professional producer to employ great video marketing for your real estate business.

Basic videos can be created right from your laptop’s webcam or with an inexpensive Flip video camera. If you don’t want to be the star of your own production then use a staff member, friend, family member or local college student. Or simply opt for a slide show type video with voice over which you can create yourself with free online video making tools like Camstudio.

However, you can also step it up a notch and get high quality videos without spending a ton or organizing a live film crew by outsourcing your production. There are dozens of freelancers and marketing companies online who can put together fantastic videos that ooze credibility and can make your real estate business and properties look great for just a few hundred dollars. By investing in a high quality template which you can easily adapt for different properties and campaigns you can have the best of both worlds; a first class video at a reasonable investment.

However, just as important as having video is making sure that you make the most of it. Use them on your website’s home page, blog, email campaigns, YouTube, social media profiles and linked to by QR codes which are placed everywhere else.
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