Hurray For The Correction! It’s TIme To Invest

by blogger1
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on Feb 07 in BestTransactionFunding



It looks like a new real estate correction is already in the works. It’s just the news many experienced investors have been waiting for. Now it’s time to get busy putting money into action and wholesaling those properties.

The New Housing Correction

The data is clearly showing a correction. It may not have arrived in your market yet. Though it is probably coming in the next couple of years. Your market may experience a spring in new growth and capital as investors ditch markets that have already peaked. Or yours could have already passed the peak and see some sellers letting properties go with steep price cuts.

Why It’s a Good Thing

Many investors have been waiting years for this moment. It may not feel good in the medium term for those that get caught slacking on protecting their recent windfall in equity. Though it can be cashed out or leveraged now, and it will bounce back.

Even more important than the return of better pricing and more negotiability for buyers is the certainty this data brings. As Fuquan Bilal of NNG Capital Fund puts it, now investors know where they are in the real estate cycle. They have a clearer vision of what is ahead. They can make moves with confidence.

It is very difficult for even the most experienced pros to perfectly time the market. You don’t have to. If you negotiate deep enough discounts you can still flip for a handsome profit with a decent discount left for your end buyer.

We may not be near the bottom yet, but historical data on your local markets will give you a great idea where that will be. For some this is now the ideal time to sell and cash out. For rehabbers, home buyers, and landlords this can be a better time to buy due to access to capital and rates. The wholesaler in the middle can profit while helping both parties.

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