The Art Of Wholesaling: How Top Performers Survive & Thrive

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on Apr 17 in BestTransactionFunding


This is what separates the real estate wholesaling deal makers that are consistently out there doing real deals, are clocking up closings and aren’t fazed by changing markets.

There are a lot of wannabe wholesalers who aren’t getting much traction. Others only know how to operate in certain market conditions. Then there are those who seem to just fine through all  economic times, booms and busts, different markets, and are continuously closing high volumes of deals, with real profits.

These are some of the most important things that separates the consistently successful…


They earn a reputation for providing good, reliable deals and value. Their customers don’t have to think about it. They know that when that wholesaler gets new inventory, it’s a buy.

They may not milk ever cent out of the deal, but they are making way more money by doing more deals, and never have to stress about sitting on inventory.

Know How to Dance with the Market

If there is one thing that stays the same in real estate, it is that things will constantly be changing. Especially the trajectory of home values and who the best end buyers are.

You’ve got to know how to shift buying and selling criteria with the market, and adapt your marketing. Your best end buyers may be cash buyers for a little while. Then it may be IRA buyers with non-recourse loans. Then it may be financed first time home buyers. Your offers and ARVs will shift with these trends as well as who can get the money or loans to acquire your product.

Making Offers Daily

The best way to get dollars going into the bank and to enjoy a reliable income from wholesaling houses is to simply be making actual offers every day. Not just making cold call attempts or posting ads on Craigslist. Make offers.

Back out your math. Know how many you need to close to hit your money goals. Know how many will fall out in the process. You conversion rates, and how many offers you need to make a day to nail it.

Networking & Relationship Building

Technology is great. You can do it all from your mobile phone on your couch today. Yet, if you are serious about doing big numbers, real estate is still very much about who you know, and who knows you. Get out there.

High Levels of Liquidity

One of the saddest and most ironic excuses out there is not having the money to do real estate deals. Top investors don’t use their own money. They like to stay liquid, keep risk almost nonexistent, and have plenty of cash in the bank. By using transactional funding wholesalers can fund their deals 100% with other people’s money and keep their own cash in the bank.

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