Father’s Day 2019: Best Gifts Real Estate Investors Can Give

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on May 30 in BestTransactionFunding


What are the best Father’s Day gifts real estate investors can give this year?

Father’s Day 2019 falls on Sunday, June 16th. Hopefully we all got to do a lot for moms this year already. This is the chance to celebrate and give something great to all the dads out there. Real estate investors are uniquely positioned to have a great impact. That applies whether you are a mom in the business, a son, daughter, or a father yourself. It’s true whether you are a veteran with your own real estate empire already, or are just starting out in real estate wholesaling.

Quality Time

Fathers typically don’t cut themselves enough slack. They work a lot and rarely take the time they need to avoid burning out. So, one of the best Father’s Day gifts this year, is to give that to them.

If you run a real estate investment business and have fathers working for you, give them the day off. Even better, give them a long weekend to do something special. For the fathers in your life, take time out with them and make new memories, a new tradition and really focus on that quality time.

Share Your Knowledge

Whether all of your money is locked up in transactions or you are flush, you can share your knowledge. That can be one of the most valuable gifts of all. One that no one can take from them, won’t get stuck in a closet or lost in the mail. However little you think you know about real estate investing, it’s probably a lot more than most. Teach your dad, your son, or host a local Father’s Day brunch and train a dozen fathers on how they can make more money and enjoy more free time all year round.

House Deals

You’ve got house deals, give some of those. If there is a father in your life that really needs to conquer their housing situation, maybe you can even gift a cheap home and let them work on it. Or maybe offer a special deal for the weekend.

Bail Outs

You can bet there are a lot of fathers out there who won’t sleep tonight, thinking about how they are going to catch up on their mortgage payments and property taxes. Or where they’ll move their family to when that foreclosure gets finalized. Help them out. Maybe this is a good time to go back to all those leads who weren’t motivated before, and offer them a small bump up in your offer and some relocation help.


One thing no one ever seems to have too much of is the money. That’s especially true for those struggling to make ends meet in a regular job, as well as those wanting to get started in real estate wholesaling, or to up their game. Maybe you can back them on a deal. Or if you don’t have much to spare, turn them onto Best Transaction Funding for financing their first or next wholesale deal. We even offer a referral program so you can get paid too. Or if they have the money, maybe what they need most is the opportunity to invest with you.

What will you give?

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