Real Estate News & Trends Impacting Investors Now

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on Nov 21 in BestTransactionFunding


Check out the latest real estate news and trends that could impact your investing…

There are a lot of changes in play in the property market. Many may influence where the best deals are to be found in 2020, and make it difficult to do business in other areas. Here’s what you should know.

Counties Using Delinquent Property Taxes To Boost Revenues

Some counties across the country are becoming increasingly aggressive in using property taxes as a tool for seizing property and making big profits. Such as this case in Michigan, where the owner lost his home for just $8 in unpaid tax related fees. The county made a profit of over $24,000 on it. These may sound like good deals, but it is also a warning to watch the mail and not let a dollar in unpaid fees cause you to lose your assets.

Millennials Have Given Up On Home Buying

So much for the massive tsunami of millennial home buyers which were expected to drive the market, and all the dollars real estate companies have put into marketing to them. According to a new survey from Apartment List, over 12% of millennials say they never plan to buy a home. Even among those that would like to one day only 20% to 30% are on track to being able to do it.

Illinois Regulates Real Estate Wholesaling

IL has become the first state we know of to implement new laws requiring real estate wholesalers to hold a brokers’ license. This applies to anyone wholesaling more than one property per year in the state, including assigning contracts.

Mass Unemployment Coming Soon?

Truckers are suing California after a newly proposed law would kill off 70,000 jobs. After malicious lawsuits and perhaps some poor employer behavior, The Golden State has stepped up to stomp out the gig economy and contract labor. This is a rule that would impact some of the largest tech companies who use remote employees as a substantial part of their workforce, including Apple, Amazon and Uber. It’s a warning to self-police the industry and keep up good peer pressure. Most should be able to find alternatives, such as hiring outsourced labor as vendors who are paid through an LLC or other entity, instead of as independent contractors.

Texas Turns To Taking Over Hotels To House The Homeless

If you thought moving to TX sounded like a good idea for avoiding high housing costs and taxes in coastal states, think again. It’s so bad in Austin now that the city plans to take over hotels to house their exploding homeless population.

Check out more upcoming trends, real estate taxes and laws impacting the real estate market in 2020 in our report here.

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