The One Thing That Will Make Your Sellers Motivated

by blogger1
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on Dec 05 in BestTransactionFunding


Motivated sellers are what fuel the business for real estate investors. If your sellers haven’t been motivated enough yet, here’s the one thing that might change that…

There are lots of ways to find ‘motivated seller’ leads today. You can buy lists, search public records, subscribe to real estate software, knock on doors, run Facebook and Google Ads, and more.

If you’ve made any volume of contact attempts, you’ve already run into this issue. Homeowners who should be highly motivated just don’t seem very motivated at all.

It can be really frustrating. You put in a lot of time, sweat and money to connect with these people. You know they are in some form of distress. You know they need help and are far better off selling their properties to you right now. You even genuinely want to help. They just don’t seem to want the help.

They’ll make crazy excuses. They’ll ignore you. They will bury their heads in the sand and just wait for things to fall apart and get a lot worse. Logic just doesn’t seem to work.

What can you do about it?

In this phase of the real estate market there is one great tool at your disposal. One that can really create urgency and motivate them to action and taking your purchase offer.

It’s sinking home values. Not just national property values or values in their city. It is the value of their own home going down that can really spark urgency.

Reeling of statistics about the national market or what’s happening in the city as a whole really doesn’t hit home. It doesn’t seem real. Who cares if the national average home value dropped by tens of thousands of dollars last summer? Who cares that that New York retail properties are diving by 25%, or no one is buying new condos?

Though what if someone told you that your home’s value just went down by $10,000 or $100,000?

It’s a different deal, right?

All of a sudden that means they’ve just thrown away all that money and equity by dragging their feet on taking action. It means that could lose double that in the next few months if they don’t do something right now.

Now inaction can lead to all types of very real and close consequences.

Show them how their own property value has declined. Show them how it is likely to keep declining. You just might get their attention.

The final two steps to turn this into an actual deal are:

  1. They have to trust you are the one to help

  2. Make taking action with you easier and more pleasurable than the alternatives

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