Real Estate Investors: The 4 Most Important Things You Can Do This Week

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on Dec 19 in BestTransactionFunding


The next few days will be the most pivotal for what you will achieve over the next year, and how that compounds into outcomes you get every year after that. These are the four top things you need to focus on to get the most out of it.

1. Time Out To Think

When was the last time you really took time out to think? To think about the big picture, what’s most important, and the best ways to get there?

Even as highly successful real estate investors and CEOs we can suffer from tunnel vision and being stuck inside our businesses and the seemingly urgent tasks of the moment.

Use this time before the New Year to get out of the box. Don’t just take a few hours or a day to think. Give yourself a couple of days or more. Let the ideas flow and analyze and explore them.

Go stay at a hotel or go camping or get out of your city. It will improve your perspective.

2. Set New Goals

Realign your goals if needed. Set new ones. Tear up old ones and go bigger. What’s the biggest you can think and dream? Don’t ask if it is possible. Ask what if it was possible or if there was a way to do it, how big would you go?

If you’re not thinking in billions, you are thinking way too small.

3. Set Appointments

Trying to sell people in real estate during the end of year holiday season has a lot of downsides. The people you really want to do business should also be taking this last couple weeks of the year out to focus on these four important things too.

However, everyone wants hit the ground running in the new year. Set up meetings, appointments and calls for the first few weeks of the year. People will like that you are respecting their time during the holidays. You’ll also position yourself to be the first in, ahead of your competition when the ball drops.

4. Quality Time

Taking time out to think may be a form of quality time for yourself. Though you also need real time not to just be thinking about work and business. This is often where the best breakthroughs come from. Make sure you are also spending quality time on things and with people that are most important. Remember why you are doing all this in the first place. It’s too easy to get caught up in the actions and metrics, and end up sacrificing what you really wanted. There will always be more to do in business and real estate. Always. Most people don’t end up regretting not working more. But even the most successful always seem to end up regretting not taking more time out with people they love and care about.

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