5 Of The Best Tools For Flipping Houses When You Are In Lock Down

by blogger1
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on Apr 02 in BestTransactionFunding


With much of the world facing being locked down and quarantined, what are the top tools for investors to use to keep flipping houses and bringing in an income?

Whether it is the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, the next one after that, or simply moving to a more efficient and profitable business model, here are some of the top tools to be using now.


Email is still one of the top ways to communicate. Especially in real estate. If you slacked on building your list before or just haven’t worked it well, this is a great time to start. Mailchimp is one of the fastest email services to set up. It is one of the easiest to use. It is free for most small users. You can even use it to create popups, forms and landing pages.


Close.io is a simple to use cloud based CRM. It is also packed with awesome features, such as one click calls, the ability to text message leads and record calls. Use it to manage and nurture your leads and your team as you work remotely.


Video calls are becoming more important. Especially for those who really hadn’t grasped the ability to work virtually before. You can use it for file sharing, team meetings, working with buyers and sellers, as a live chat tool, and for video tours, showings and inspections.

There is a lot of buzz about Zoom right now. Of course Zoom is also now one of the most targeted apps by hackers looking to take advantage of the chaos.

FaceTime and Google Hangouts are options for simple chats and video calls. Whatsapp stands out with a large user base around the world, easy use on both Apple and Android devices, as well as a desktop version, and being able to use it over WiFi in case of phone service issues.

Google Drive

There are lots of project management and collaboration tools out there. Be wary of getting lost in exploring them, learning them and getting your team to adopt them, as well as adding extra overhead. Most people already use Google tools. Drive is free. It’s easy to use for collaborating on documents in real time, storing files, and much more.

Best Transaction Funding

We could once again see many lenders and banks failing, as well as small private lenders pulling back. You’ve got to have leverage. Access to more leverage will help you move fast and lower risk, while doing more deals. Best Transaction Funding is still financing deals, with up to 100% LTV loans. Use it.


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