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5 Strategies for Better Direct Mail Marketing Performance

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 13 October 2016

How can real estate pros and businesses get better results from their direct mail marketing campaigns?

Direct mail continues to be one of the core real estate marketing strategies for investors, agents, lenders, and others. Direct mail can be very affordable and has the potential to deliver great results and ROI. Of course it can also be a big let down too. Not every campaign is a hit, and every month more and more competitors seem to be targeting the same mailboxes you are. So how can you get better results from your mail marketing?

One: Optimize Your Mailing Lists

Your results are only going to be as good as your mailing lists. If you’ve been in the business for a while it may be time to clean up those lists. Get rid of the bad addresses and update your databases. Many may need to put more focus on building new lists. You may have a large database but if you are just hammering the same prospects again and again you are going to find fewer and fewer on those lists that are viable prospects. Buy, rent, or build new lists by requesting addresses when you are marketing online. Honing in on better qualified prospects with quality lists can help increase conversion rates and ROI. However, if you have been going too tight it may be worth expanding your criteria, or branching out into new areas.

Two: Send Better Mail Pieces

If you aren’t getting the results you want from your mail campaigns maybe it is a question of improving your mail pieces. That could mean being bolder and more creative in your packaging design. It may be investing in better quality mail. Or it could be hiring a professional copywriter to spruce up your message.

Three: Be Consistent

Not every prospect is going to need your services or want them at the moment they receive that first piece. Some hope that prospects will file those mailers and pick them up later when they are motivated. Not everyone does that, and it also means playing the odds of being picked amongst all the other mail if they do. However, some will just expect to receive more from you and may even be looking forward to a fresh piece with your contact information. Just keep mailing.

Four: Know Your Competition

Chances are that there are at least a handful if not dozens of other competitors mailing at the same time you are. It’s hard to beat them or stand out unless you know what you are up against. Consider collecting those pieces and how you can get on their lists to see when they change it up.

Five: Optimize Your Lead Handling

Generating the leads is only half of the battle. Managing and closing them is equally important. Optimize your lead handling so that you spend time with, and give great service to the best leads and get best ROI. That may mean getting assistance in answering the phone or screening calls, using the web to channel leads, and automating follow up.

Authored by Best Transaction Funding is the leading source of transactional funding for real estate wholesalers in the US, where 100% financing, and saying “Yes” is what we love doing all day long.

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