Who Is Buying & Selling Real Estate Now?

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on May 14 in BestTransactionFunding


Where are the buyers and sellers to keep fueling your real estate wholesaling business?

We have been through some exciting times recently. Some investors are doing incredibly well, others are still struggling to find their feet again and adjust. It’s all about knowing who is buying and selling, how they are doing it, and what’s driving them. Know this, and you’ll find wholesaling much easier. Nail it and this could be your best year yet.

Who Is Buying Homes?

1. Flippers

Flippers are still buying. They need to in order to keep the money coming in. Though we may likely see more wholesaling than fix and flip due to market changes.

2. Landlords

Buy and hold investors realize that passive income is more important than ever before and they are looking for ripe opportunities.

3. Investors Who Are Expanding

Investors of all types, from those listed above to funds are expanding to new areas and property types to balance and de-risk portfolios.

4. Those Using Self-Directed Retirement Accounts

One of the biggest problems successful investors have is minimizing taxes. Retirement accounts can offer some relief. Yet, they often only provide real peace of mind, profitability, and maximum benefit in their self-directed forms.

5. The Wealthy Seeking Wealth Preservation

Wealthy home buyers have been very active. They are still buying up prime properties with big price tags. They see it as being safer than stocks or cash in the bank.

Who Is Selling Homes?

1. People Fleeing The City

Between the virus, lockdowns and rising crime, many are urgently looking to exit urban cities for less crowded areas.

2. Old Financial Centers

High priced areas that relied on physical office buildings and local jobs have quickly become less attractive, and will probably see steep declines in property values. People recognize those markets have popped and it’s time to cash out.

3. Owners Who Can’t Keep Up With Bills

With tens of millions of workers freshly unemployed, many just can’t keep up with the bills. Many need a reset or to downsize.

4. Over-leveraged Landlords

Landlords who over-leveraged and overpaid, and had no reserves to weather the storm should be cashing out if they can. They realize they can’t just count on high vacation rental and occupancy rates.

5. Speculators

Those who were banking on easy end loans and appreciation to make money are finding it’s not there now. They may have to sell at steep discounts and find another strategy.

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