6 Types Of People Your Real Estate Business Needs On The Team

by blogger1
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on Oct 01 in BestTransactionFunding

Your real estate business needs these six types of people to survive and thrive.

No matter whether you are a small house wholesaling operation, a construction firm, fund, rehabber, or landlord with hundreds of units, these are the separate individual roles you need to have filled if you are going to hit your goals and maintain your gains.

The Visionary Thinker

You need the big picture thinker. The one who sees the vision and casts it for everyone else inside and outside of the organization. They lay down the idea for the business, and spend their time on strategy and the highest level items. Eventually you may need these thinkers and strategists to lead all of your different departments too.

The Builder

This architect or or designer breaks down the visionary’s idea into the parts that are needed to make it happen. Like an acquisitions team, lead generation, vendors to facilitate due diligence, financing and closings, and more. They layout the organizational structure to bring the dream to life.

The Doer

Not everyone can be a thinker or dreamer, or nothing will ever actually get done. You need the workforce that is happy slugging away at the daily tasks required to move the needle and keep things working. They run customer service, admin, handle sales calls, scout for properties and more.

Social Butterfly

The above personalities aren’t always the most social. They are busy thinking, and grinding it out behind the scenes. Regardless of how technically excellent everything else is done, you still need someone who thrives on being social. This is a people business.

The Frugal Bookkeeper

It is essential to have a dedicated, unbiased bookkeeper who just focuses on the numbers. It is their job to make sure the business doesn’t run out of money. They have to be separate to other departments so that they aren’t tempted to say yes to things just to hit the metrics for other departments they are involved in. They keep everyone else in check when it comes to spending.

The Manager

Someone has to manage all of these people. This isn’t a good fitting role for the visionary. It needs to be someone who excels in managing others and the finer details of the operation. This person brings together the doers and thinkers to realize the company goals.


You simply can’t do all of these jobs yourself. If you try you are sabotaging your own potential and what your business could be achieving. Which roles do you still need to fill to fuel your real estate business?

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