Planning For Success In The New Year: Are You Thinking Big Enough?

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on Dec 10 in BestTransactionFunding


It’s that time of year to be polishing and refining your plans for the next year. But, are you thinking big enough?

Before you ink those new goals, share them with your teams, make budgets, and commission marketing materials, are you really sure you shouldn’t be thinking bigger?

We have a whole new year that millions of people are looking forward to with optimism. Don’t count on an end to the mayhem commanding the news headlines for the past 12 months, but that shouldn't get in your way. Bigger income, more wealth, more impact, and more of the lifestyle you want is possible, but don’t expect bigger results, without bigger thinking. In fact, 90% of your results in the next year are all about what you think about over the next couple of weeks.

If you want more, why waste time? It takes the same energy to think and do big as a little. It doesn’t take much more effort to close on a $100M home than a $10,000 home. Or to close on a 100 unit apartment building instead of a 10 unit one. So, go big. There is so much good you can do with it.

Need some prompts to think bigger?

Property Prices

There are plenty of properties to be bought and sold at the low end of the market. Yet, how many more deals do you have to do in that range compared to being in the luxury range? A new Beverly Park, CA listing just hit the market for $160M. While it may sell for well below $100M at auction, it wouldn’t have to be flipped for much more to return more in a single transaction than most real estate wholesalers aim to make in a year.

On the commercial real estate front companies like Google and Apple have been setting up the $1B mark as the new price tag for acquisitions, and big tech companies are making more than ever.


If you feel you missed out on the incredible opportunities of 2008, consider that 2x more properties may now be in distress than during the Great Recession. In many areas demand for homes hasn’t been this strong for a long time either. What if you started buying in bulk?


Travel may still be limited through 2021, but that’s not a roadblock to serving investors worldwide, or diversifying your investments and wholesale deals around the country. You can now get in front of billions of customers, and trade from a pool of over 100 million properties right from wherever you are.

Before you start doubting yourself, remember the key to making these leaps is not about your resources. It is about resourcefulness. Don’t say “I can’t,” but “How can I?”

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