4 Lessons From Google’s New Hour Long Ad

by blogger1
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on Dec 17 in BestTransactionFunding


Google recently began running an hour long video ad to promote itself between YouTube videos. That’s pretty extreme, when most ads in this space are likely 15 to 120 seconds, and are designed to get the message across in 5 seconds or less.

So, what can we learn about this extreme dose of ad info which Google no doubt spent an enormous amount of money to shoot, edit and publish?

What does it mean for real estate investors and professionals in this space?

You Need To Keep Marketing, No Matter How Successful You Are

You don’t just get to a point where you can stop marketing or slack off on it. There is a reason the biggest brands like Nike, McDonalds, Microsoft, Apple and Uber keep marketing. They have to. Creating an ad like this one from Google might cost most companies six or seven figures to produce. Just one ad. Your budget may not be that big yet, but keep on growing your marketing spend every month.

Trust Is Hard To Earn, Easy To Lose

Especially today, with so many companies moving online, it is hard to earn trust. It doesn’t take much to lose it. If you have to run an hour long ad to try and convince people to still trust you, you’ve already lost that trust. If you have billions of dollars to run propaganda to restore your brand after a hiccup, you can do it. Most can’t afford it. Avoid losing trust in the first place.

The Right Way To Approach SEO

In this ad, Google not only revealed that it changes its SEO rules and rankings 6x per day, but those changes are the results of over 200,000 test runs and tweaks. Most real estate companies don’t have the budget and flexibility to keep up with that.

Many of Google’s SEO rules and guidelines for quality content are public. They will take a lot of time to read, and of course they are always changing to stay ahead of those trying to game the engine.

SEO and ranking well on Google does have a lot of value for real estate companies and professionals. Though resources may be better spent simply focusing on creating quality content, with authority, and interesting content people will want to share. That is evergreen content that will keep working for you later today, tomorrow and in 10 years, despite all of the algorithm changes in between.

40% Of Websites Are Spam

Google says they consider around 40% of all websites they crawl to be spam. Is yours one of them?

If it looks cheap and salesy, or you are trying to cram in keywords, expect them to keep decreasing your rankings or ban you.

Focus on better design and more value.

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