The 7 Things That Will Make Or Break You As An Investor This Year

by blogger1
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on Dec 22 in BestTransactionFunding


2021 is going to be one of the biggest years for real estate investors yet. Not everyone may enjoy the ride, but make no mistake that some will easily add double digit percentage points to their wealth and emerge as far bigger players over the next 12 months.

These are some of the most important factors that will determine how it goes for you.

Mindset: It Is What You Make It

You can choose to cringe and shrink and be fearful every time you are challenged. Or you can choose to find the opportunity and to create opportunity in every scenario. It is your choice how you choose to see it and act.

Commitment Vs. Flexibility

Stay committed to your goals, but flexible in how you achieve them. Expect shifting market trends, migration, curveballs, and more. You may have to adapt your tactics, but don’t back down from your goals.

Financing & End Buyers

Expect there to be some twists in lending over the next year. Banks and conventional mortgage lenders may change their underwriting criteria and appetite for making loans. There is a lot of cash out there, and those with capital will have to choose to back someone with their capital. Being able to adapt to who has the cash and can borrow money for your real estate wholesale deals will make a huge difference in your deal flow and volume for the year.


Be knowledgeable and wired in. Don’t rely on the media headlines and fake social media spin for figuring out what’s happening in the market. Get the best data you can, as early as you can and stay ahead of the curve.


Focus on your own business and serving your customers the best. Worry less about what the rest of the world is doing.


Today, the reality is that 90% of your success in real estate relies on marketing. You should strive to have great product, systems, and service, but it won’t make a dime of a difference without marketing to match.

Your Network

It is times like these in which who you know and who knows you will make all the difference. Work on expanding and strengthening your network.

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