This Is Your Year To Go Really Big In Real Estate Wholesaling

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on Apr 07 in BestTransactionFunding


This is the year to be supersizing your real estate investing business.

If you thought last year was big, this year should be even bigger for you. If you missed out on the massive surge last year that saw many investors, and the whole market setting records, then don’t miss out this year.

The Market

Last year saw almost 7M homes being sold. Property prices hit new highs, and most wholesalers couldn’t keep enough inventory on the shelf to meet the demand of their buyers.

Looking at the state of the current market and the outlook for this year, the fundamentals are all lining up.

We have:

  • Low interest rates

  • Plentiful capital, cash and equity in the market

  • Record setting demand

  • Large amounts of supply in private marketplaces

With the USA forecast to outpace most of the world in economic growth this year, we can also expect a massive resurgence of inbound international investment.

There may be holes in the market which are suffering as millions of households restructure this year. Though there are also just as many, if not far more housing markets benefiting from this shift.

Are You Thinking Big Enough?

Often the only thing standing between an investor and far bigger goals and rewards is thinking big enough.

Like, often when people first get into real estate they think $1M is a lot of money. A year in they realize that isn’t much at all. There are other people out there not only shooting to build billion dollar businesses, but $50B to $100B plus businesses.

If you aren’t sure if you are thinking big enough, then consider these two recent deals.

One Miami restaurateur just sold a single family home within 24 hours of listing it, for $12.5M, after multiple offers. He had purchased the place for just $3.59M. Not a bad margin on a single deal.

Then there is the fund that just bought an entire new home development of 124 houses for 50% more than the builder expected to get for the homes individually on the retail market. This now seems to be a common practice in which big funds are bidding over overpriced deals and are borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars to do it.

Now we also have pension funds and other institutions which used to invest billions in office space looking to move into residential. Some builders are now tracking how much they are wholesaling in bulk each quarter.

How Do You Make The Leap?

Start with big goals.

Expand what you are looking at in size and volume. Don’t think about what you can afford, but instead how and where to get the funds. Then get busy building your network of bigger buyers and sellers.

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