8 Things Robbing Your Wholesaling Business Of Deals Every Month

by blogger1
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on Jul 07 in BestTransactionFunding


While some have complained about fierce competition and low inventory in the market, there are still plenty of deals for wholesalers to do. Unfortunately, in many cases it all comes down to real estate wholesalers sabotaging themselves.

These are eight of the most common causes of lost deals every month.

Demanding To Talk On The Phone

Generating dozens, and even hundreds of visits to your website or property ads isn’t that difficult. Yet, it is all for nothing if you don’t enable prospects to communicate in the way that works for them and medium they trust.

There are so many scammers out there that most distressed homeowners, and probably most buyers no longer want to talk to a salesperson on the phone. They much prefer text or email.

Your Email Address

How does your name and from address show up when you are emailing buyer and seller prospects? When was the last time you checked? Does it look spammy? Or does it look like you are a real, authentic person? Get this one thing wrong and they probably won’t even open your messages. It’s even less likely they will respond.

Pop Ups

Hopefully you aren’t just relying on a Facebook page or cheap website template that looks like everyone else. Beyond that, one of the top things killing online business today is popups. It seems that those who aren’t getting results from one popup ad or message think it is going to work if they have two, three or four. If it isn’t working, don’t do more of it. If people can’t see the info they want on the page already, they are just going to click over to your competition.

Focusing On The Wrong Details

If you are going to do marketing, and especially hire someone to do marketing, be wary of getting hung up on the wrong details. The only thing that really matters if it works. Is it working? Is it profitable, or at least on the path to being profitable? If so, get busy fielding the leads.

Taking Too Long To Respond

Customers expect instant responses today. If you can’t do that, then hire help to handle it. Otherwise you are just wasting your time and money marketing.

Taking Too Long To Make The Offer

Taking weeks, days, and even hours to make an actual offer dramatically reduces the chances of closing the deal. Making offers could be so much faster, automated and intuitive. It will definitely separate you, and put you ahead of the competition.

Inaccurate Property Information

Providing prospective buyers with as much information as possible upfront can definitely help facilitate and speed up the decision making process. Though providing too much, and getting zoning or usage information wrong can also rob you of deals you should be closing.

Not Being Able To Fund Deals Fast Enough

Serious buyers and sellers just want to cut right to signing the deal today. You need to have the funding ready for your transaction so that you can close fast too.

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