The 3 Most Important Days Of The Year For Investors

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on Nov 23 in BestTransactionFunding


The three most important days of the year for investors are upon us. Will you make the most of them?

Tax refund season may fuel renters and retail home buyers with down payments and moving money. The summer may have traditionally brought peak home buyer season in many destinations. Fall usually brought a dip in asking prices and more negotiability for wholesalers. While the end of year brought a sprint of closing as individuals and businesses sought to save on taxes.

Yet, this year, we have three extremely pivotal days that investors should be leveraging to their fullest. Don’t miss out.


No matter what your beliefs about this traditional holiday or how you’ve celebrated it in the past, this is a powerful day for leveraging the value of gratitude.

If you have already experienced its value in your life, there is even more reason to make a whole day for it. If you haven’t made it a part of your daily success habits, use this day to kickstart it.

Dig into all the things that you are thankful for. Go deeper and broader than you can with a few minutes each morning. Consider all of the opportunities to be grateful for.

Black Friday

Black Friday may prove even more pivotal this year. Sure, there will be some people who live all year waiting for Black Friday. Especially retailers, and individuals who really should be doing anything else but splurging on unnecessary items.

This year may prove to be more pivotal, with so much hype about scarcity and such extreme price inflation manipulation.

It is a day to lead by example. Are you going to be sold and fall for the mayhem? Or are you going to use your funds to make smart and profitable investments? Find sales on properties, or be the one benefiting by selling a lot of them on Black Friday.

You can bet there will be plenty more sales through the end of the year, and the beginning of next year if you need to go retail shopping.

Giving Tuesday

It’s been Cyber Monday every day since COVID restrictions came along. Amazon and Apple will be just fine without you spending even more with them for a day. American Express will also be okay if you don’t use their cards to splurge on Small Business Saturday. It’s worth supporting small businesses, but Giving Tuesday may be even more impactful.

If you like you can even give grants to others to start their own small real estate investing businesses this Tuesday.

With so much to be grateful for, and so many deals you could have been selling on Black Friday weekend, you as a real estate investor are probably one of the best positioned to give.

It doesn’t just have to be a handout either. You can give for charitable tax deductions. You can give investments to your family and friends. Or you can give the gift of knowledge of real estate investing to others so that they have more to give next year.

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