Real Estate Investing: The One Thing You Need To Survive This Crisis

by blogger1
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on Jul 07 in BestTransactionFunding

According to many consumers, we are already well into a new financial crunch or recession. It only really needs to be a ‘crisis’ if you aren’t prepared to weather it well.

For some these next few months and years will be the most prosperous they’ve ever enjoyed in real estate yet. Others are likely to be wiped out financially, and may struggle to rebuild over the next 20 years or more.

What will make the difference in which of these buckets real estate investors fall into?

It is all about having the right mindset.

It is true that there are many lessons to be gleaned from the millions of investors who failed in 2008, as well as the few who fought through it, survived, and are doing better than ever today.

It may also be true that right now, house prices and even rents are starting to go down, and sales volume is slowing. Yet, it is also the best time to be wholesaling real estate. This is when you’ll find the best deals.

However, you cannot just rely on a five year plan. Or even just focusing on the next deal, or next month. That is a dangerous trap to avoid.

This Is Not A One Round Bout

Entrepreneurship, investing, and money management has often been likened more to a marathon than a sprint.

Even that doesn’t really do it justice. It’s really much more like an endurance race, mixed martial arts tournament, or career.

If you are only focused on surviving or going all out in this one round, then you are unlikely to win the fight, the tournament, or have a very long career.

You are going to run out of gas, get hurt, and have to throw in the towel.

What It Means

You must seize on the opportunities and openings in front of you boldly, without fear.

You also have to be strategic in your growth, and think long term too. Don’t get injured, or risk a career ending defeat.

Get out there and make those offers. Though be flexible in how you reach your financial goals, and how you tackle different challenges in an ever changing market.

Consider the best moves to make to make the most difference right now. While also always keeping an eye on the best moves for ensuring you are setting up your vision for 30 years or 100 years from now.

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