Google Searches For Sell My Home Fast Spike By Almost 3,000 Percent

by blogger1
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on Aug 03 in BestTransactionFunding

Within hours of new economic data being published last week Google searches for “sell my home fast” soared by 2,750%.

Is the state of the economy, direction of the housing market, and personal impact for homeowners finally sinking in?

What does this data and Google search terms really mean for real estate investors?

Is The Reality Finally Hitting Home?

On the surface this stat certainly suggests homeowners may finally be getting desperate to sell.

Many may have waited six months too long. Unless they act quickly and are willing to deeply discount their homes, they may find themselves in a downward spiral which sucks all the equity out of their homes.

Right now it still seems possible to sell fast, and get multiple offers. They may be lower and fewer offers. It is all about the pricing, and how it's marketed.

For Investors

It seems a great time to be throwing out offers and marketing to those now growing desperate to sell. But, should you be going all in on “sell my home fast” as a key search term in your marketing?

Remember that the data could be tainted by your competing investors searching for these terms too. They may just be checking out who else is marketing for that term.

Ask yourself what those who are serious about selling their properties really searching for online? Could it be “Realtors in my area?” Or “what is my home worth now?”. “How to sell my house?”. Or even “Impact of a recession on my house?”

Do some real keyword research before doubling down. Get expert input on what’s driving searches. Find high volume, low competition, high commercial value keywords.

Choose whether you will educate prospects and lead them through with breadcrumbs, or go for long tail keywords, localized search terms, and attract the low hanging fruit and ready to convert.

Unless you can outspend all of your competition on marketing, then you have to stand out from them, and strategically out market them. You can’t run the same keywords, ads, or website templates.


This new data hints that homeowners may be waking up to the reality of the new market. It could be a race to sell the fastest before the market goes down.

However, while there is seller motivation out there, some buyers are definitely out now looking for better priced deals, with less competition. If they are selling their home, they need to buy something else fast too.

Find a way to get in front of them and benefit from better value deals.

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