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How To Show More Love To Your Seller’s List This Valentine’s Day

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 24 January 2019


Valentine’s Day 2019 is almost here. Take the opportunity to show some extra love to your real estate lead lists, and set your wholesaling business up for more success at the same time.

Get in those Mailboxes

This is a great time to be landing your information in mailboxes and email inboxes. Smart use of packaging and subject lines could greatly increase the number of people on your prospective sellers lists that actually open and read your message at this time of year.

People love to know someone is thinking about them, and many won’t be receiving Valentine’s Day cards this year. Stand out and show some love. They’ll remember you when they are really ready to sell their homes.

Educate Them

Whether it is through the mail, email or on your real estate blog and social media, invest in educating your prospects on the importance of selling their homes now, and the pain of failing to do so. With tax refund season here, many will find this their best opportunity to get out of a distressed housing situation and move on. Others just need a reality check on how far their home price could fall if they drag their feet on selling this season.

Realtor Matchmaking

One of he biggest reasons that those who should be motivated sellers don’t sell is that they simply don’t know where they will go next. Match them up with a motivated Realtor who can get them out and find them a new rental or more affordable home to buy.

Give Them Earning Opportunities if They Insist on Staying

Some people will refuse to get off the sinking ship, no matter how close they get to a foreclosure auction date. For those on your list that are adamant about staying, show them how to make more money to pay for their homes and Valentine’s Day gifts by bringing you leads on other properties and sellers.

Host an Event

Valentine’s Day brings so many themed event and party opportunities. Host a community event of your own. Invite all of your prospective sellers. Use the time to build relationships and trust, so when they do decide to sell their loyalty is with you.

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