9 Things To Be Grateful For This Month

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on Nov 20 in BestTransactionFunding

Gratitude is powerful. Here are nine things we can all use to leverage the power of gratitude this month.

It’s not always easy to keep up the habit of practicing gratitude as a part of morning routines. Yet, it is incredibly rewarding when we do take the time for it.

Even if things feel tougher right now, here are some of the things we can take a moment to be grateful for before we get into the season when most are focused on receiving and getting new things.

Low Interest Rates

While many might be experiencing the highest interest rates they’ve seen in their adult lifetimes, they are still historically very low. Wait until they hit 14% or 20% again.

If 5% or 7% still seems too high, then check out our current deal, with interest rates as low as 1%.

Opportunity And Ability To Invest In Real Estate

Just having the opportunity and ability to invest in real estate is a huge privilege and benefit. Many people will never realize that they have this chance to control their own financial circumstances.

The Tax Breaks Real Estate Has To Offer

Taxes are not fun. They only seem to be multiplying and going up. Fortunately, along with many other benefits, real estate offers a lot of tax breaks, if you take the time to take advantage of them.

The Freedom Being A Business Owner Offers

Owning your own real estate investment business gives you complete freedom over your own schedule. Many fail to exercise that freedom, and to take advantage of the flexibility or time off it provides. Though you do have control of that.


It’s never been easier to invest in real estate. You can find and wholesale homes online without ever getting out of bed. You can get just about anything you want delivered to your job sites to complete house flips in two days.


As technology continues to take over, and the major flaws in AI, automation, and cybersecurity become even more glaringly obvious, it’s a great time to be grateful for humans. Even if they aren’t perfect either. Those in your family, that serve you, and that work for you, and who are your customers. You can’t make it without them.

Room For Growth

There is plenty of room to do more, and expand and scale what you are working on. Even if you aren’t satisfied with your current situation, be grateful there is so much available for you to do.

The Progress You’ve Made So Far

Even if you feel like you are going to fall far short of your goals this year and there is so much more you aspire to, take a moment to remember the progress you’ve made. No matter how significant you feel it is, celebrate those wins.

How Many People There Are To Help

There are millions of people out there that could use your help. They may need to sell or buy properties, or invest. Each one is an opportunity to grow your business, and to feel great that you are making a difference.

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