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New Google Ads Rules For Real Estate Wholesalers

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 27 August 2020


Google Ads is changing its rules. How is it affecting real estate wholesalers, other investors and agents and lenders?

Google has announced new advertising and ad targeting rules which will kick in over the next few weeks. This could shut down any existing ads and PPC or CPM ad campaigns you are running and impact your plans for future campaigns. What do you need to know? What are the alternatives? How can you still run effective and profitable Google Ads campaigns with these changes?

The New Rules for Advertising Online

Google issued new policies for advertising on August 18th 2020 which go into effect by October.

The rule changes are heralded as a step towards decreasing the chances of discrimination. Though they may also make online advertising more expensive and prohibitive for small businesses and individual advertisers.

These changes specifically target those advertising anything to do with housing, employment and credit.

The bottom line is that you will no longer be able to use ad targeting filters to reach customers and prospects by:

  • Geographic zip code

  • Parental status

  • Marital status

  • Gender

  • Age

Facebook and Google have also already been limiting other features, such as filtering and targeting by income levels.

How These New Rules Impact You

As of October 2020 any current ads and campaigns with these targeting features will be shut down by Google.

You can still run ads for buying houses, selling houses, private lending, owner financing and renting. You will just be very limited on targeting. Which means you’ll have to run much broader campaigns which run to many irrelevant viewers and consumers. Total ad cost and cost per lead could then skyrocket. Especially when you consider that 25% of your PPC budget can already be eaten up by click fraud.

One day in the future these new rules may actually be deemed discriminatory in themselves due to turning the tables only in favor of the largest advertisers who can afford to lose millions of dollars, and of course for Google who stands to benefit from higher ad revenues while delivering less results.

The alternatives are to turn to other forms of marketing, such as inbound Search Engine Marketing (SEO), affiliate and referral marketing and in person networking.

The Keys To Creating Effective Google Ad Campaigns

On the bright side, these top of the funnel ad targeting issues are only a small part of running a successful and profitable Google Ad campaign.

You can still relatively easily and inexpensively drive plenty of traffic to your real estate website. Where the difference is all made in actually getting real leads, deals and dollars is in:

  • A mobile first website designed to both look great and maximize conversions

  • Instant engagement and strong follow up

  • Consistency

As you adjust to keep those wholesale deals flowing, make sure you take advantage of our Verification Of Deposit service to get your offers accepted.

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How To Google Proof Your Real Estate Wholesaling Business

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 17 October 2019


Google is a fickle beast. It can be one of your best tools for real estate marketing and your wholesaling business. It can also be one of your biggest headaches. If your income, wealth, sanity and peace of mind relies on Google, you’re going to be in for a wild ride.

Here’s how to Google-proof your wholesaling business…

It’s not just Google and its constant algorithm changes either. We’ve seen the same happen with Zillow and Facebook too. They lure you in and get your to invest everything in building them up, and then use it against you. Savvy investors and venture capitalists have learned that a business that relies on third party platforms like this to survive and thrive are normally doomed. Use them. Just don’t count on them. Don’t bet everything on any one of them.

Build Your Own Assets

Trying to rely on just a Facebook page as a website is a serious flaw today. So is basing all your finances on current Google Ads costs and conversion rates. Be sure you are building your own brand and online business assets with your own website.

Ignore Common Content Myths

How long does your content need to be? Forget about it.

Ask ten SEO ‘experts’ and you’ll get ten different answers. Most often someone will quote a myth from a couple years ago. Something that worked for a few weeks during a temporary Google experiment. Like your articles need to be 1,000 or 2,000 words long.

Forget length. Don’t worry about it when it comes to blogs, articles, videos or podcasts. Otherwise you are going to get hit hard when Google penalizes those same lengths next week.

Pour Out the Value

Giving real value is far more when it comes to content. That’s true of everything you do on and offline through all parts of your wholesaling business.

When it comes to online content, if you just create and publish what is truly valuable, actionable, shareable and worth bookmarking for your ideal customers you’ll do just fine. You’ll do great over the short and long term. It may be 300 word blogs one week, 4,000 word resources, 15 second video clips or 30 minute educational audio. Just focus on the value. Put yourself in your prospects’ shoes, not Google’s

Leverage Other Search Engines

Online search engines can be valuable. Just don’t bet everything on the biggest one or two of today. Use sub-search engines on other sites. Like or other social networks.

Be Offline Too

Offline and real world in-person is becoming even more important. Virtual is powerful and even a must. Yet, it is also making real connection even more desirable and valuable. Build real world relationships by hosting networking events, experiential events like camping trips or property tours.

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