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Real Estate Investing: It’s All About Focus

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 09 April 2020


One of the biggest challenges facing real estate investors is the ability to focus. This is always true, but even more so during crisis moments.

Bruce Lee said a successful person is the one with laser like focus. How do you get better at maintaining that?

Limit Your Intake

It can be extra hard to maintain your focus if your mind is consumed with keeping up with evolving news. If you are checking new websites and social media feeds constantly, you aren’t being productive and you really can’t focus on what you need to do.

In reality, not much changes every hour. If you’ve already thought about the best and worst case scenarios for a hurricane or virus outbreak or economic downturn, then you should be able to take it in your stride. If you need a day to prepare for these things, take it. Then focus on your business.

It’s best if you can limit your news and social to once a day. If you are really an addict, then twice a day is plenty.

Get Your Mind Right In The Morning

Master focus by getting your mind right first thing in the morning. Take however much time you need to get in an unshakable mindset. It will pay dividends in focus and productivity for the rest of the day. You can meditate, read, exercise or anything else that puts you in your zone. Create a routine out of it.

Focus On Your Goals

Keep your eye on the goals and big vision.

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by temporary blips. Keep your goals highly visible, so that they will always jolt you back to what you should be thinking about.

Focus On The Most Important Immediate Actions

Worrying and debating the news is not going to do much for you. Except to drag you down further. If you know your goals, you know the most important actions steps you should be taking next. That is typically signing new business so that you have more money coming in. Do that, and you’ll be best prepared for everything else.

Relax, Be Flexible

Be flexible. There are major crises which can really make it hard to focus. Give yourself a day off to get your mind right, adjust your plans and get refocused mentally. Get that out of the way, so you can be 100% in the game when you are working.

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