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Is A Four Day Work Week The Key To Better Productivity?

by blogger1
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on Wednesday, 25 January 2023

A new study shows that a shorter, four day work week may be exactly what you need to be more productive.

For many years we’ve been catching up with new studies that reveal working fewer hours is actually better for everyone. Not just the individual workers, but businesses that employ them, and communities too.

Now the data suggests that not only is working fewer hours more beneficial, but so is working fewer days.

This new study covered by Bloomberg reports that the four day work week could be the recipe to avoid burnout and boost productivity.

Avoiding Burnout

While many dismiss the importance of this, it is far more impactful on your health, business, relationships, and finances than you think. The time to address it is not once you hit it or see the negative impacts. The goal is to avoid it in the first place.

A four day work week can reportedly improve sleep and help avoid burnout. This means you can continue to love your work, do your best work, make better decisions, and enjoy a better life. Forget ‘work life balance’, it's just life.

Boosting Productivity

This part may be far more attractive to the workaholics reading this.

Being more rested and energized to work during these fewer days can certainly drive you to work harder and better when you are working.

It also forces you to find ways to be more productive and get better results in less time.

It’s For Your Teams Too

Don’t forget, if it is good for you, it is also good for your team members.

There is no use in you only working four days, but making your employees work seven. You won’t get the results.

The CEO of Randstad says that it is imperative for businesses to have flexibility today.

How To Do It

Find the four days that work for you. Perhaps that is avoiding those dreaded Mondays altogether and skipping right to Tuesday. Or it might be eliminating Fridays as little gets done after lunch time anyway. Or you might break up your work week and take Wednesdays off.

Experiment with it, and find your rhythm.

What To Do For The Other Three Days A Week

This might be the most difficult for some. You should absolutely take one full day of rest. You may use another to learn and improve your skills, focus on making other investments, or work on your hobbies. You can travel to expand your mind and check out new real estate markets. Or you can even teach others how to do what you do, and volunteer your time to good causes.

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Should You & Your Team Be Choosing A 4 Day Work Week?

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 16 June 2022

Should you be limiting you and your team to a four hour work week?

One of the largest experiments of a four day work week is happening in Europe. This follows others like Microsoft’s in Japan.

Not everyone understands it, but there are many arguments for working fewer hours and days.


It has long been understood by researchers that productivity peaks, and working extra hours yields decreasing amounts of productivity, results, and profits.

Some put this at 49 hours. Though others put this in the range of 30-40 hours per week. It has also been found that workers are only actually productive for about 3 hours out of an 8 hour work day. So, why clock all that time, or pay for it, when you are going to get a lot more out of 3 good hours?

Microsoft’s test of a 32 hour, 4 day work week showed great results.

Holistic Improvements For Your Business

In Microsoft’s case there was a 40% increase in productivity and employee satisfaction.

78% of employees were happier and less stressed.

That means they are doing far better work when they are working, they are going to treat each other, and customers much better. They are going to be speaking much more positively about your company.

This is all great for your branding, customer retention, repeat business, and overall profitability.

Financial Savings

Healthier and less stressed, and less burned out employees are going to save you a lot of money. The cost of health benefits can go down, they’ll miss less work, and you aren’t as likely to have accidents or workplace injuries.

If you are still one of those rare companies having people come to an office, then only opening 4 days a week can save a ton on energy. As well as in gas for your team to commute. If you care about the environment, it can have a huge impact there as well.

Mandatory Vacations

Extended paid vacations have become more popular too. In some countries it is common for workers to have mandatory paid vacations totaling one to two months a year.

This has many of the same benefits as above. If you don’t mandate it, then expect them to keep on working until they burn out. That doesn’t help anyone.

How are you optimizing productivity and profitability this year?

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