7 Reasons to Stick to Wholesaling Real Estate in This Market

by operationsassoc iate
operationsassoc iate
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on Oct 02 in Press Category

As the housing market improves all sorts of tempting real estate investing ideas get floated and become more ‘attractive’ from rehabs to rentals to getting into new construction, subdividing land and even investing in real estate stocks but there are at least 7 good reasons investors may be wiser to stick with wholesaling…

1. Rehabbing Can be a Nightmare

There are profits to be had from rehabbing and fixing up homes and it can be fun but you never know when a project is going to turn into a complete nightmare, money sucking pit which puts you in the hole.

2. Holding Properties is Risky

Every day a property is held means exposure to more risk. There is risk from natural and manmade disasters, vandalism, bad tenants who kill cash flow and changing in the market. Wholesaling real estate and flipping properties means being able to eliminate all of this.

3. Faster Returns

Being able to turn around a property in a day or even 3 days means an incredibly short cash cycle and rapid paydays. This means the ability to do far more deals a month and year, dramatically driving up income potential.

4. No Need to Take on Partners

It can feel a little more cozy to have someone else coming along for the ride but partners pose all sorts of potential issues and you never know when even the most apparently concrete partnerships will fall apart for a variety of reasons leading to big losses.

5. Growing Opportunity

As more real estate investors and home buyers gain confidence and jump into the market they need a source for good properties just like you. Don’t compete; serve them.

6. Minimal Risk of Lawsuits

Lawsuits, even bogus, malicious ones which end up going nowhere can be extremely expensive and stressful for real estate investors. This risk often comes from repair work done, missing seller disclosures, tenants and others being injured on properties and more. Just avoid it.

7. Easiest Deals to Finance

Wholesale real estate deals are the easiest to finance. By using transactional funding there is no need for jumping through the endless hoops that come with qualifying for conventional mortgages or having to burn significant resources to find private mortgage lenders or even getting burned by crooked seller financing deals.

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