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What A Smart Real Estate Wholesaling Email Auto-Responder Series Looks Like

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on Wednesday, 26 November 2014

What does an effective email auto-responder series look like for real estate wholesalers?

Having a real estate wholesaling website and strong opt-in magnet is great. However, all savvy marketers know that it can take several touches to convert new prospects, and especially in the world of flipping houses it can take recurring outreach to connect the right deals with your buyers list. So what do successful email campaigns and auto-responders look like for property wholesalers?

Right Expectations

Success in email auto-responders, and avoiding complaints and wasted time requires building a list with synergy, and setting the right expectations. Your opt-in needs to be relevant to what you’ll be emailing them about on a regular basis. Be transparent. Let them know if they should expect instant updates when you post a new real estate blog, weekly updates on new wholesale property deals, or something else.

Style and Design

There is no single right answer about what your emails should look like. The best look is really about who your list is made up of, and your branding. If you are simply messaging personal contacts and have a basic real estate website then a personal looking, plain text email message can be the perfect fit. In contrast; if you have a high profile luxury brand, in a high end market with a very design conscious database it may be wise to include visuals. New templates from AWeber and other email services can help wholesalers craft emails which mimic their website pages for a seamless user experience.

Content (What to Email)

What should you be emailing to your list? What you promised. It can be quarterly newsletters, daily real estate wholesaling blog posts, an email training series, or notifications whenever new wholesale deals come on board. There can be occasions to deviate such as holiday wishes and notable product or service changes, but don’t stray too far from what they are anticipating, or they’ll turn off, doom you to the spam folder, and cause issues with your email provider, regardless of how much value you think you are adding.


Email auto-responders should never really end. Messaging should be ongoing once a name is added to the list. To get started new real estate wholesalers may want to launch with a set of 4 to 7 emails and then invest in more as their list takes off.

Length of individual emails can vary. Some of the most effective are just a line or two. At the same time, some very successful bloggers and email marketing experts claim that extremely long emails (running into multiple pages) have performed the best. Think about who is receiving them, why they want them, and what action you want. If it is clicks to site then make that as easy as possible.

Calls to Action

Don’t forget your calls to action. Use multiple links, social icons and URLs and your phone number if you want to generate live calls.

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