How To Get Results Like The Top 1%

by blogger1
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on Nov 08 in BestTransactionFunding


Tired of working so hard, and not seeing those top level results you crave?

Whether you want to be among the top 1% of the wealthy in the world, the US, or just the real estate industry, there are some common differentiators which can help you make the leap. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions that hold real estate investors and other professionals back. Here’s what can make all the difference, and why they do things in this order.

Think Bigger

You’ve heard it before, but are you really thinking as big as you can? Are your current goals really the limit of your imagination, or even what others have achieved already? $1M may barely put you in the top 10%. It certainly won’t go as far as you think it will. Think globally. Think in billions. Think 100 years out.

Get Out of Your Own Way

This is really the big make or break for those that want to go from average to amazing results. You can get into real estate and do 10 or 30 transactions a month, and put several million through your bank account each year relatively easily. That’s still not going to put you at the top of the game. Unless you learn to get out of your own way, you’ll likely hit a plateau there.

Real leaders, CEOs, and top performing agents and investors don’t rely on what they can do personally. In fact, the goal should really be to not be involved in the day to day at all. Listen into the new DealMakers Podcast on iTunes and you’ll hear how top entrepreneurs and investors really structure their organizations. Perhaps you’ll be CEO, or maybe just retain a board seat. The real 1% recognize that to go big, they need a team, they need more expertise in more areas than they can maintain mastery. So they hire for it. They hire the best experts they can, and then step back, get out of the way and let them do their best jobs. Otherwise, if you are trying to micromanage them, from a position of less experience, you are going to restrict what they are able to achieve for you. That’s on you, not them. They can’t help if you won’t let them.

Be Brutal with Time Management

If your venture is going to bring in just $5M a year in revenue, and you’ll only put in 1,000 hours a year, your business needs to be making $5,000 an hour, for each of those hours you are active. You simply cannot afford anything less than $5,000 an hour activities. Or you will never hit your goals. Each of those hours you spend on something worth less, you are directly taking out of your pocket and are putting yourself behind.

That’s why top performers have housekeepers, assistants, general managers, remote CMOs, and often even personal chefs and trainers. You don’t have to wait until you are a multi-millionaire to make these investments. In fact, you might never get there without this help. If it’s not paying you your target hourly income, then you can’t afford to do it yourself.

Invest First, Spend Later

Whether it is marketing or cars or fancy offices, smart professionals invest first and spend from their passive gains, not from direct earnings. A recent blog from fund manager Fuquan Bilal reveals that when he plans to get his teenage sons their own cars, he’ll first have them go buy a passive income investment, and then let them use the proceeds from that to pay for their vehicles.

Get the Model Right, Then Scale

Work on getting your model and systems right first, versus trying to scale out of the gate and wasting money on what’s not converting and truly profitable. The smart are prepared to do sizable and long enough tests to hone their business models, before raising money or betting their last buck on the latest marketing craze. If you don’t, you can go broke before you get started.

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