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Thank You Real Estate Wholesalers

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 22 November 2018



Today we want to take a moment to thank and honor all the good real estate wholesalers out there.

While the pay may be good as a wholesaler, you rarely get the thanks and recognition you should. You are providing a valuable service. We see you.

Thank you for braving this new frontier and making the effort to improve your lives and others. It can take a big leap to get into wholesaling real estate, but it so worth it.

Thank you for helping distressed sellers and their families find a more gracious and profitable exit from their properties.

Thank you for helping buyers who can enjoy affordable new homes and for helping other investors with inventory who renovate them and rent them.

Thank you for graciously working with the tenants who are often caught in the middle of distressed real estate situations.

Thank you for choosing Best Transaction Funding for your funding needs on all your wholesale deals.

Thank you for sharing our service with others and empowering them to do all the above and below.

Thank you for sticking it out as a wholesaler. Even on the days it isn’t easy. What you do is worth it.

Thank you for all you do to give back and pay it forward.

Thank you for reading this blog.

We appreciate you!

Take today to relax, enjoy the rewards of your hard work, spend it with the people you have and are putting in all this hard work for.

We’ll see you back in the field on the flip side…

Happy Thanksgiving!

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7 Real Estate Professionals To Be Thankful for Today

by blogger1
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on Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Here are seven people you should go out of your way to thank today…

If we can tear ourselves away from work long enough we might get to really enjoy experiencing being in the moment with friends and family this Thanksgiving. However, this is also a valuable time to remember how grateful we are for many of the people who make what we do possible too.

Here are just some of them:

1. Loan Officers

Loan officers have a hard job. Their days often consist of battling underwriters and crazy guidelines to give their clients everything they want. They rarely get enough credit for the hard work they really do behind the scenes. Even if you pay all cash for your properties, somewhere in the chain someone is going to need some funding.

2. Loan Processors

The loan processors often have an even tougher job than the loan officers. They are stuck in the workplace, get handed impossible files, everything is a rush, and everyone blames them if things aren’t happening at lightning speed. It is their responsibility to keep the ball rolling and get to closing. Yet, no one wants to pay processing fees.

3. Title Closers

Successful title company closers are really responsible for getting the deals completed and funded. They are put on the spot between buyer and seller, lender and Realtors and everyone else. Often it is only at the closing that these parties find out the real numbers or quirks in the transaction. It takes a very cool, committed, and skilled closer to keep it altogether. They should be getting medals for some of the work they do.

4. Realtors

Real estate agents get a bad rap. They are now more than ever under constant bombardment. People want to put them out of business, are rarely loyal to them, and yet expect them to be on the front lines making low ball offers, investing everything they’ve got in marketing, and often all to take a cut in commission by the time it gets to closing. There are great and ethical Realtors out there, and we need more of them.

5. Attorneys

Together Realtors and attorneys are among the most disliked professionals in the world. There may be plenty of bad apples that have given them a bad name. Just like there are in every other profession. Yet, perhaps because of this good attorneys are so valuable. When others don’t perform, or frivolous and malicious lawsuits show up, you’ll be really glad you have a great attorney in your corner.

6. Real Estate Mentors

Real estate trainers, coaches, and mentors are seriously underappreciated too. People love to crack on these professionals who have given of themselves to share their years of knowledge and experience, and who devote their time to helping others. If it wasn’t for generous people like this, then everyone would have to go through the discovery and trial and error process themselves at great cost. Many reading this would never have found real estate or enjoyed the rewards it brings.

7. Real Estate Investors

People like to blame real estate investors for bringing up property prices, making noise as they rehab properties, and increasing the competitiveness of the market. Of course, without them the country would still be in the pit of distress, the country would be littered with far more ugly and abandoned homes, while poverty and crime runs rampant. Some may still need to refocus on their values and build on their knowledge, and to take a longer term view. Yet, they deserve more respect than they often get.

Give some thought to this list today. If any of this resonates with you, then don’t just contemplate it - take action and thank them in some tangible and meaningful way this week.

Authored by Best Transaction Funding is the leading source of transactional funding for real estate wholesalers in the US, where 100% financing, and saying “Yes” is what we love doing all day long.

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