The Number 1 Real Estate Investor Mistake of the Moment

by blogger1
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on Apr 04 in Press Category

Many real estate investors are allowing themselves to fall into a trap that is hampering their profits and for some completely paralyzing them. What is it?

They are staying far too tightly glued to the news and are concerning themselves far too much with what others are predicting than honing in on their local markets and getting deals done right now.

Yes, staying tuned into future trends in marketing and home buying habits is smart and in the macro sense rumors in the news often become a reality just as with the recent bubble and the stock market crash before that. Forward thinking real estate investors who plan to be around for the long run absolutely should be planning ahead and positioning their businesses to come out ahead but this shouldn’t be holding anyone back from stacking up money in the bank today.

The savviest investors have learned 1 thing from the banks – take no risks. Bet on sure things and only invest in what you know will be profitable and have a clear exit strategy for. Banks only make loans when they know they are going to make money on them (and yes despite the crisis they have already made billions on loans which are in foreclosure) so why should you invest any differently?

Having your real estate deals sold even before you buy them and using someone else’s money to make your acquisitions eliminates risk, slashes the cash cycle and means as close to a sure thing as you are going to get.

Hold on! Before you think this sounds too good to be true recognize that other investors are doing this every day with the help of transactional funding.

Don’t think it’s possible to pre-sell your properties? Investors are doing it daily and have for years, even sight unseen and half way around the globe. You can sell anything with the right marketing. Of course you should have a good product but if other investors can sell properties in China and Egypt in the current market then you should find it a breeze to sell any U.S. property that you are offering at a reasonable discount.

You don’t have to have your own infomercials to do this, you don’t need a reality TV show or even a $100,000 a month marketing budget. It is all about how you present the opportunity and position your properties ahead of time. Others have done it using tools as basic as Craigslist while some have found direct mail, slick iPad presentations or websites and social media is the trick.

You should have a long term plan but regardless of where the market is heading next month you can make a ton of money right now by flipping houses and using other people’s money.

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