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Your Online Reputation is Under Fire

by blogger1
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on Tuesday, 10 April 2012
What are you doing to protect your online reputation?

If you aren’t taking a proactive approach to online reputation management it is only a matter of time before you find yourself facing an uphill battle.

It is critical for real estate investors to take a proactive approach to online reputation management. Whether you have been actively marketing your homes and real estate services online or not, others will be talking about you on the web. It is only a matter of time before a miserable Realtor or dissatisfied buyer or seller bad mouths you online. It doesn’t matter whether it is justified or not, it is the perception that matters.

If the first thing consumers, sellers and potential private mortgage lenders see are bad reviews and negative comments about you when they look you up online the chances are, they won’t want to do business with you.

When was the last time you checked to see what was being said about you online?
Scrubbing negative information from the web can being incredibly difficult for real estate investors. Approaching those who have talked bad about you may often just antagonize them further and cause them to flood the internet with further slanderous accusations.

If there are comments on your own social profiles that don’t paint you in the best light you can delete them or use the opportunity to shine. However, often the only option is to drown out the bad with the good. This means a proactive approach to publishing on social networks, blogs, article marketing and even publishing your own press releases, using the right keywords and phrases.

Your competition is doing this regularly and often paying big money to gain great reviews and essentially buy credibility on the web. While it is obviously much better to be more ethical and authentic, it is also a lot easier to begin protecting your online reputation today. As they say “often the best defense is a good offense”.
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