Is Your Real Estate Investment Business Missing these Essential Social Elements?

by blogger1
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on May 01 in Press Category

There has never been an easier time for flipping houses. Between easy access to transactional funding, ridiculously inexpensive properties and a rebounding market with plenty of interested buyers, the only thing holding back real estate investors from making more money than they ever imagined is their marketing.

Clearly social media is perhaps the fastest, easiest and most cost effective means of marketing for real estate investors today. However, many are missing out on the following 4 essential social strategies for maximum lead generation and ROI…

1. SMO

By now, whether they like it or not, there is no excuse for any investor not to have a presence on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Whether these opportunities are being maximized may be a whole different story but there is plenty of free information out there on the web for investors to educate themselves with. However, where 90% of investors are failing is not optimizing their social media profiles for the search engines. The right keywords and keyword placement on your profiles and in your posts can make all the difference in being found by motivated sellers and interested buyers. Don’t do anything else until you’ve done this.

2. Google+

Some tech snobs may try to talk down Google+ because it hasn’t surpassed Facebook’s user numbers yet. Perhaps they forget that it was launched several years later or that it has a more niche following. The point is that the users Google+ does have are ideal for real estate marketing. Plus, the SEO benefits of being on G+ are huge.

3. Pinterest

Many new social networks pop up every month, make a buzz and fade away. Pinterest appears to be one of the few here to stay. While its marketing power has been doubted for many industries, Pinterest is an amazingly powerful platform for real estate investors. Add a badge to your real estate blog so that readers can Pin your content, post awesome photos of your homes and rehabs and even use it for creating your own online TV channel.

4. Story Telling as a Marketing Strategy

What you post on your social profiles is just as important as how they look visually, how well they are optimized and how great your product is. It is common knowledge that selling at the public is out and attraction marketing is in. A great way to achieve this and make your social posts and properties more attractive and interesting is through story telling. This applies to your ‘about’ section and what you say about your brand as well as your homes. Look at some of the recently listed homes on the market including the home where Marilyn met JFK and the house that Howard Hughes crashed into.

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