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The Triggers Forcing Landlords To Become Distressed Sellers

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on Monday, 03 June 2024

More and more landlords are becoming distressed sellers. What’s driving this trend? How can real estate wholesalers find the deals, and who should they be selling to now?

Rental property owners are being hit with a variety of converging factors which are causing many to give up, and become more motivated to sell their properties.

Rental properties will always be a thing. As will the desire to invest in them. However, real estate wholesalers may now be marketing to a tighter pool of end buyers. Including larger institutional buyers, and wealthier individuals looking to move more of their portfolios to physical real estate.

Here are some of the factors driving distress among landlords, or at least depleting the appeal of holding onto rentals.

Inflation In Holding Costs

Property taxes, association dues, and homeowners insurance premiums are just some of the holding costs that have been going up fast with inflation over the past couple years.

If rents moderate, and holding costs are up 30%, that can cause big problems for owners that financed their rentals. Or at least dampen the cash flow and returns on free and clear properties.

High Construction Costs

Both labor and material costs are way up too. Even in the past few months. Whether it is for routine maintenance, renovating new acquisitions, or remodeling between tenants, increased costs can mean eating up years worth of returns.

Increased Legal Liability

Expanding rules and regulations, and higher local building code standards are all adding to the legal burden of being a landlord.

Failing inspections is expensive. In some cases, it seems some jurisdictions either want to bleed landlords dry, or force them to fold, so that they can flip those properties to big institutions in sweetheart deals, or make a profit on foreclosing on them.


Squatting incidents appear to be on the rise. This can prove incredibly expensive for landlords. In many cases they simply must sell to rid themselves of the problem.

Hits To Their Other Finances

Whether it is taking hits to retirement investments in other sectors, or struggling to keep up with inflation in general living costs, weaker overall finances can force landlords to sell and cash out.

As a real estate wholesaler, there are many ways to identify and target these properties. You can look for occupied properties, with out of state owners, mechanics liens, past due property taxes, areas being hit with multiple insurance rate hikes, and those with eviction notices.

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Housing Inventory Is Exploding In This One Market Segment

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on Thursday, 08 February 2024

Still searching for more house deals to wholesale?

Opportunity and housing inventory seems to be growing fast among this one segment of the market. It’s only likely to grow even more this year.

If you are looking to do more deals, and to find motivated sellers willing to accept low offers, check this out…

Landlords Are Going Broke

More and more landlords, big and small, appear to be going broke. All the way from mom and pop landlords with one to a handful of properties, up to big banks with lots of pending REOs and their own underperforming real estate assets. As well as builders who are looking to exit before the market really changes on them.

Why Are They Going Broke?

There are many reasons that landlords are falling into financial distress right now. Ranging from poor acquisitions of properties with big and expensive issues, to the last couple years of the economy.

On the property level this can include deferred maintenance, tenant performance, inflation in holding and operating costs, poor property management and contractors, new regulations and malicious lawsuit trends, and more.

On a personal level this can include diminished retirement account balances and financial power, unemployment, inflation in personal living costs, and credit lines getting cut off.

Finding The House Deals

Some of these properties are being listed through agents. Though many owners are still on the fence, or haven’t listed yet. Especially as they don’t want the expense of Realtor commission.

So, how do you find them? Indicators to look for include; delinquent taxes, google searches related to financial distress, leads from property management companies, mortgage lates, mechanics liens, out of area owners, evictions records, building permits being pulled, code violations, local housing authority contacts and who has failed their inspections.

Make Lots Of Offers

Time to close and stopping the financial bleed are probably most important when it comes to selecting purchase offers. They might not get their whole investment out, but that’s better than losing more, or lawsuits from failing to keep up their properties.


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Digital Nomad Visas May Change Where People Live And Work

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on Tuesday, 26 September 2023

More and more countries are developing their own Digital Nomad Visas for the new remote workforce. How might this change alter where people live and work, the dynamics of rentals and real estate? Where might you want to travel and work from as a real estate wholesaler?

Digital Nomad Visas

Now that the workforce has changed to being remote first, more and more people are wanting to flex their new found freedom to travel and work from new places.

With other recent economic changes, many individuals are also being forced to find friendlier and more affordable places to live and work too.

According to one list, at least 58 countries now have some form of Digital Nomad Visa. A type of immigration visa which allows you to go live and work there remotely. Often for between 6 months and 3 years.

The entry requirements and fees for these visas are far lower than for traditional visas and residency programs. You normally just have to prove you make a minimum amount of income each month, or have enough money in the bank to sustain you while you are there. This can range from a few hundred dollars a month to several thousand Euros.

Countries are seeing this as a way to boost their revenues, popularity, and to attract great talent.

Why You Should Try It

While there may be some perks of wholesaling properties in your own backyard, travel is a common thread linked to success in entrepreneurship. It is also completely unnecessary to restrict yourself to only operating locally anymore. If not highly risky.

Travel can give you new perspectives on things, and great new ideas. It can broaden your network and contact database. Then you might just find somewhere you love more for the weather, culture, and which allows you a better quality of life, at far lower costs. Taxes are complicated, but there may also be benefits there too.

Where To Go

In reality, most countries will allow you in on a tourist visa, or just as a tourist without a visa for 3 to 6 months anyway. So, you don’t have to restrict yourself to countries offering Digital Nomad Visas. The US does not currently offer one.

You may want to explore:


The Bahamas








The Impact On Real Estate

The current direction of the economy, the AI revolution, and the availability of Digital Nomad Visas all seem to be working together for remote work to have an even bigger impact on real estate.

Even in the US, where we may not see such a visa, we can expect this trend line to impact how cities market themselves and how much of this business they will win. For landlords, it may mean more short to mid term tenants, and professional tenants. Whose needs are also different. They need furnished places with good wifi. They may pay a range of rates from dirt cheap to higher Airbnb prices. Though they are going to pay based on what they can afford in monthly rent, not vacation prices.

Consider how this may influence your real estate wholesaling business, your pricing, and where the hot places to flip houses will be next.

Then take advantage of our 1% Fall Mega Sale, with interest rates on your funding as low as just one percent. Check out the details here.

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8 Million Renters Are Late On Payments

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on Thursday, 30 June 2022

Tenants are falling behind on the rent in big numbers. It is an area of distress that is likely to grow quickly. It is the opportunity for savvy real estate wholesalers to help a lot of people, and scale up their own deal flow and incomes with a new niche.

The Rental Market Is Broken

Eight million renters are delinquent according to Bloomberg News.

This is probably just the tip of the iceberg given all that is happening in the economy, with massive layoffs, hiring freezes, insane rates of inflation, and a new recession.

In some areas rents are up 50% this year. Rents have grown so fast that cities and counties are debating new ordinances to cap rental rates, protect tenants from huge spikes, or at least make landlords pay more to evict them.

Those who haven’t taken up the chance to move to more affordable areas are finding even waiting lists for homeless shelters are getting incredibly long.

Meanwhile, many rental property owners have waited far too long to sell their assets. They are facing a much different resale marketplace now.

The Opportunity To Help Bailout Landlords

This is a great opportunity to help hurting rental property owners by buying their properties.

You can also still negotiate closing credits for evictions, security deposits, and other items to offset any additional perceived risks.

Even a low offer now could save them from a much worse fate. It is likely to be a much better deal for them than they may get for that property in the fall and winter.

Fuel Landlords With New Deals

On the flip side of this are millions of investors of one level or another who are desperate to find deal flow, and acquire new real estate assets with income potential.

You can be that connection.

Put those properties under contract. Get tenants performing or out, and wholesale them to a new landlord who is in a stronger financial position and is better at management.

There is still a lot of capital out there chasing deals. This huge surge in flight capital from the stock market and other assets into real estate may not last long, so take advantage of this strategy while you can.

How To Help Tenants

Of course, no one wants to kick people out in the street. If you can, help tenants to get back on top with a sustainable solution for staying in place.

If they simply cannot afford it, refer them to something more affordable, and find them a more graceful exit.

Then provide the place to stronger renters who can actually afford it, and need a safe, healthy, place for them and their families.

You can do a lot of good, and get paid very well for helping too.

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Keeping Deal Flow Alive When Your End Buyers Are Landlords

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on Thursday, 02 September 2021


How do you keep your deal flow alive when you end buyers are landlords and buy and hold investors?

Pandemic lockdowns and ensuing restrictions, new policies and eviction bans have rocked everything rental property investors thought they knew about real estate. This might have put a dent in your deal flow if you’ve been wholesaling houses to them. So, how can you help them, and keep your business flowing?

The Big Eviction Ban Problem

Covid related restrictions and rules have impacted rental property operators in a variety of ways. One of the most notable is eviction bans. Regardless of them already being ruled unconstitutional, they are still out there.

In fact, new legislative bills like the Federal Disaster Housing Stability Act of 2021 are proposing both automatic and potentially never ending eviction bans.

That isn’t exactly making acquiring more rental properties very attractive to most buy and hold investors.

Here’s how you can help them, and keep your business firing on all cylinders too.

Serve Up Performing Rentals

No one wants to buy a non-performing rental with an occupant they may never be able to remove. Yet, the data suggests that the bulk of rental properties are performing well.

Find those with a track record and good tenants, and wholesale those deals instead.

Provide Deeper Discounts To Offset Risk

Investing decisions are all about the balance of risk and reward. If you can help lower your end buyer’s risk, and offer more promise of potential reward it could tip many more buyers in your favor, and lead to a lot more deals with each one.

One way to do this could be to offer deeper discounts to buyers; building in equity, and creating larger spreads for them.

Another option could be 12 to 24 month rental and income guarantees.

Turn Them Onto Smarter Leasing Structures

It is true that aside from Section 8 style government paid housing, the old traditional annual lease is probably dead. It is just far too much risk for any private and individual landlord to take on.

Yet, with a little creativity there may be many innovative leasing options that can avoid this attack on landlords, and help them pull in that cash flow.

This may include entire leases being paid in full in advance, switching to short term rentals, memberships, or even finding other ways to derive income from a property; such as renting it for storage or parking.

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Flipping To Airbnb Landlords? Here’s The Features They Need The Most…

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on Wednesday, 18 August 2021


Flipping and wholesaling properties to short term rental operators like Airbnb landlords can be a highly lucrative strategy for investors. Here’s the 411 on what type of inventory you should be sourcing for them…

The Short Term Rental Market Is Growing

Recent events have only accelerated the need and demand for short term rentals. This includes those on platforms like Airbnb, Homeaway, and VRBO, but not exclusively. In fact, Airbnb alone has said that it is facing a shortage of 1M or more units.

Regular landlords are switching to short term rental arrangements to get away from eviction bans and being tied to bad tenants.

Ongoing travel limitations have created a boom of domestic travel. As remote working is also making it more common that people will look for new places to stay for a few weeks or a month at a time.

Of course, these types of rentals also rent for far more than the average annual rental as well.

Serving Up The Product

There is a huge need for properties that can be used in this way. You can fill this gap as a wholesaler and fuel your business with deal flow and higher profit margins if you have the right product.

That means understanding what’s most important to their end users. So, what features should you look for and can find to create a better product for them?

Realtor Magazine recently published a lot of data on the top features these renters want, as well as the top issues that turn them off.


Price was the most important factor for guests. With most looking for units in the $50 to $99 per night range. Remember that some of these platforms can add 30% or more on top of the nightly rate in fees, so be sure to factor that in. So, on a $100 a night rate, the owner may only get $70, before all of their costs.


Real estate is all about location. In this case, tourism based cities were actually the least desirable.


Users’ favorite style of place to stay is actually traditional, not modern or contemporary.

Internet Connection

With more people working on the go, reliable and fast internet is a top need.


Poor parking is one of the top pet peeves of guests. They don’t want to have to pay extra for it. They don’t want to have to struggle to find it. They may need two or three parking spaces.

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Real Estate News & Trends To Watch Now

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on Thursday, 29 July 2021


Here’s what’s happening in real estate this week, and what it means for real estate wholesalers…

Rents Are Up

US monthly apartment rents have risen by an average of 12% over the past year, with some landlords proclaiming they’ve managed to raise rents by 14%. Even in places like Rochester, NY and Allentown, PA rents are up around 20%.

Realtor Magazine says new movers are also prepared to pay 15% more than existing tenants this year.

It is a great year to be flipping to landlords, especially when it comes to vacant property, or those with leases expiring soon.

Even Will Smith and Jay-Z are getting in on the action; participating in a new $165M round for a rent to own fund.

Mortgage Delinquencies Are Down

Despite all the fear being spread in the media, and being used to force new policies, CoreLogic reports that mortgage delinquencies began turning around in April, with defaults falling in every state, except for WY.

New Foreclosure Moratorium

A combination of new mortgage servicing rules by the FHFA and CFPB are effectively creating a new foreclosure moratorium until 2022.

There are exceptions, including vacant property, and where borrowers have defaulted on trial loan modifications. These are likely to be the properties that make up much of the inventory for real estate wholesalers through the end of the year.

Biden Promises To Cut Mortgage Payments By 25%

The Biden administration just announced it will be cutting American’s monthly mortgage payments by 25%. It aims to do this via modifications, or providing second lien mortgage loans on millions of properties nationwide.

Of course, not everyone will qualify, and the disinformation could lead to a 2008 like situation where homeowners fail to act as they wait for a personal bailout that never comes.

The New Infrastructure Bill

The giant new infrastructure bill not only dedicates $109B to roads, which have clearly gone out of fashion for most future thinking international cities, but also gives the IRS $40B specifically for enforcement, and to chase down more revenues from taxpayers. The hope is that this will raise an extra $100B in cash to spend. Make sure your accounting is clean, up to date, and you’ve paid your taxes.

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Majority Of Millennials Regret Buying Homes During The Pandemic

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on Thursday, 15 July 2021


Almost 65% of millennials now regret their home purchases according to a new Bankrate survey.

This may be a shame for all of those who got caught up in the home buying frenzy of the past year. Yet, it also signals some new opportunities for real estate investors as well.

Homebuyer Remorse Grips Millennials

According to the data the majority of millennials now regret buying homes.

Some of the top reasons they are giving for this distress include:

  • Additional homeowner expenses like maintenance costs

  • Buying a home that is too big or too small

  • Home mortgage payments and rates too high

  • Buying in a bad location

  • Overpaying for their homes

It seems millions just jumped into the market on a whim, without really thinking the decision through, doing a budget, analyzing what was important in a home, or educating themselves about the market.

How Wholesalers Can Help Out

In many scenarios these homes have quickly become a burden for homeowners. It’s now just a big payment each month. One that prevents them from enjoying the life and freedom they really want. It’s stressful. For a lot of homeowners it may be unsustainable.

As a real estate investor you can help them out. Even if they bought at the peak of the market in the past year, soaring inflation and frenzied competition means those properties could easily have 20% more equity in them now. For some, that is enough money to make a decent profit on wholesaling them.

All many of these owners probably want is enough money out to go move into a nice rental.

Some won’t act in time, and unexpected maintenance, repair and property tax bills will bankrupt them. That can turn into nonperforming loan notes and REOs. Both of which can be buying opportunities for investors.

Wholesaling To Landlords

Equipped with this information and facing a changing market, investors may want to expand or change up who they are reselling properties to.

Many retail buyers are getting priced out of the market. It is true that interest rates are low. Yet, recent data shows that it will now take South Florida homebuyers 17 years just to save up a 10% down payment. That’s 34 years to save a 20% down payment. That could certainly lead to a decline in homeownership.

While many rehabbers have been sitting on the sidelines during the pandemic according to ATTOM Data, and will continue to due to hyperinflation of construction materials, other types of buyers are scaling up.

Buy to rent landlords are growing as fast as they can with cheap money, and in anticipation of a new wave of renters coming to the market. These end buyers may have lower profit expectations, and are likely to be bulk or repeat buyers too.

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Inflation, New Eviction Moratorium, Sliding Home Sales: It’s Time To Turn To Wholesaling

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on Thursday, 24 June 2021


More tough news for landlords and house flippers point to real estate wholesaling as the best possible investment strategy, this year and going forward.

There are many ways to make money in real estate. We hope house flippers and private landlords continue to participate in the market. They are some of the best exits and end buyers for wholesalers. Yet, right now, and for the foreseeable future it appears that wholesaling is the best play for minimizing risk, and maximizing the upside.

Rates & Inflation

Despite the fact that 83% of consumers say that they are already worried about inflation, and analysts have been saying we have already been in a period of hyper inflation since last year, the government is hungry for more of it. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wants interest rates raised to cause more inflation. The Fed says it is moving up its timeline for new rate hikes, but wants to see more inflation first.

So, get ready for whatever is faster and bigger than hyper-inflation.

That can be good for rental rates and those holding real estate in some cases. Though it can also crush markets, just like it was set up to do going into 2008.

A New Eviction Ban

Despite the previous eviction ban being ruled an overreach and unconstitutional the Biden administration has just instituted a new eviction moratorium through July. There is also talk of a “whole of government approach to eviction prevention/diversion.” It’s not clear exactly what that means, but it appears all rules and assumptions about the private rental property market and industry have been shredded.

No one wants mass evictions and foreclosures. Though there is little pity for wealthy executives squatting in $5M mansions in The Hamptons. With virtually zero unemployment there is no reason for any renter household not to be able to pay the rent.

Unfortunately, the current unprecedented trend in historic use of powers to control private property suggests no end is in sight. If the intention is to prevent any evictions permanently, either the government will have to start paying rent on all rental properties in America, or may have to seize them by eminent domain and give them to the largest private funds to manage them as public housing projects.

There are common sense and legal ways to throttle even 15M new evictions and foreclosures. Such as slowing down the courts and pacing them out over a period of years. That could avoid a crisis, and current demand would easily absorb any new inventory coming into the market.

Home Sales Slide For Fourth Month In A Row

May marked the fourth month of home sales declining. This may be surprising going into what ought to be the peak buying season. Yet, house prices have just kept on rising.

On the bright side, less competition from retail home buyers means more acquisition opportunities for real estate wholesalers, and more negotiability.

With this latest news many landlords may decide they have to sell units as-is, even with non-performing tenants in place. That can make for great discounts for wholesalers who are willing to turn them around.

The Bottom Line

The current environment is clearly not friendly to house rehabbers and landlords. To lower risk, and make money faster than inflation, wholesaling seems to be the only logical answer. Fortunately, these same challenges could be creating more buying opportunities for wholesalers too.

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Where Rents Are Rising The Most

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on Thursday, 17 June 2021


If you are wholesaling real estate, it pays to know where rents are rising the most, versus where they are crashing.

Some real estate investors and home buyers in general are having a harder time finding properties to buy with the white hot housing market.

Fast rising, hyper competitive markets like this can be great for real estate wholesalers. You can often buy at retail prices and sell for more the same day. The danger with that is getting caught holding a lot of overpriced dead weight as the market turns. That can bankrupt you.

Ensuring that you have a more sustainable business that won’t leave you hanging out to dry is smart. So, for those looking for better deals with quick exits, where do you look?

Where Landlords Are Buying

Retail buyers can be fickle, and by the time the data comes out revealing they have left the party it is usually too late to correct your buying strategy.

While selling to retail home buyers can provide premiums, selling to flippers and landlords can be a higher volume and more consistent business and income stream.

Right now landlords can afford to pay more than ever as they are rich with cash capital and technology is helping them to operate more efficiently and profitably - creating better yields on pricier deals. Investors tend to keep on justifying buying at higher prices after retail buyers are priced out of the market.

It’s also worth noting that landlords are storming into the single family market more than ever. They are even buying out whole new home communities. According to Globe St. the SFR market is now worth $3.4T, just behind MF at $3.5T, but the gap is closing.

Follow The Rents

Landlords are chasing rents, cash flow and yield. So, rent performance can be a great indicator of where landlords are going to be looking for deals, and where your deals will be easier to market.

According to Seeking Alpha the average US monthly rent rose about 4% over the past year.

However, there is great disparity between markets that are crashing versus rising. Rents are now down almost 9% in San Fran and NYC. Declining rental rates can also be found in Seattle, Boston, DC, Chicago, and Minneapolis.

Among the fastest growing markets for rental rate increases are Memphis, Tampa, and Phoenix. Riverside, CA has seen rents up by almost 12% as people flee expensive dense urban areas like LA and the Bay Area.

You may also choose to check out many of the more modestly growing markets that may not have peaked yet, and offer the most room for growth and sustainable growth ahead.

You can wholesale your deals raw as-is, provide units already occupied with tenants, or offer turnkey deals.

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4 Types Of Properties You Could Be Wholesaling Now

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on Thursday, 28 January 2021


Looking for more deal flow?

It’s competitive out there. Some investors may want to expand the property types they are flipping and wholesaling to maintain their volume and incomes and to grow while the market is ripe.

If you aren’t already, consider these types of properties…

Rental Condos

The president has now extended the national eviction moratorium until the beginning of April 2021. NY has already stretched that out until May. Even without any further extensions it could be years before many landlords can expect to evict occupants.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t legal ways to get them to move, or start getting income coming back in. It just may be beyond what most landlords want to deal with.

You can flip these units to other investors willing to put in the extra work. Or help vacate them and resell them to retail buyers or convert them into short term vacation rentals.

Suburban Single Family Homes

There has been a rush to the suburbs and rural areas over the past year. It makes long term sense for many buyers. Though there will be plenty who realize it just isn’t for them. They will find it too quiet and boring or too wild. As they move back to the city, especially as lockdowns fade, expect to be able to flip these deals that motivated sellers are eager to get rid of.

Vacant Land

There are many reasons land is in demand now. Some want to acquire neighboring properties to retain their privacy and expand their space. Others want to build new homes or have their own getaways where they can park RVs. Some are looking at the long term and are happy sitting on land indefinitely. Meanwhile many realize they have extra land they never use and which is costing them money to hold every month, and could use the cash.

Commercial Real Estate

While many are finding a hard time envisioning a future in which office or retail makes sense at all, some big developers are bullishly pushing ahead with building big projects and hoping tenants come back. In other cases redevelopers are converting these buildings to warehouses, distribution centers, or more residential units. It is another space in which there are lots of motivated sellers, and the potential for big gains on the flip side.

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Are Rentals Dead? If So, These Could Be The Next Best Moves To Make...

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on Thursday, 07 January 2021


While the pandemic of 2020 may have been foreseeable, no one envisioned such an extended period without rental payments or a ban on evicting tenants. If this is the end of rental properties, then what is the best investment move to make now?

No End In Sight For Eviction Bans

Dealing with non-performing tenants is nothing new for experienced landlords. An indefinite ban on evicting those renters is something completely different.

NY has already given renters a free pass through at least May 2021. CA appears to be next in extending their moratoriums. Even without any more extensions this backlog could easily make it 2022 before landlords could regain control of most of their units.

For landlords the bills are still due. If they don’t have other sources of cash coming in, then they face losing the portfolios they’ve worked so hard to build.

The Exceptions

It is true that in the long term property values have proven to just keep on going up. Even through every type of crisis that has come along.

There are PPP loans to help landlords stay afloat, and some may be able to take advantage of rent paid directly by local government agencies. We may also see much wider spread use of universal basic income and housing subsidy programs over the next year.

Big companies like Amazon are still investing billions in rental housing, and big institutional funds will still invest in these properties to play the long game. Just expect far fewer individuals being active in this space.

Wholesaling Real Estate

For those who need income now, wholesaling real estate is probably exactly what is needed.

It can provide fast cash injections which can supplement for lost earned income at jobs, and rents. Providing both living expenses, more investment capital, and cash flow to hold onto rentals.

The market is perfectly aligned for wholesaling too. We have almost $100B worth of distressed loans and motivated sellers in the pipeline. Meanwhile, retail buyers are active, highly motivated, and pushing retail house prices to new highs.

Wholesalers can flip their deals to rehabbers and directly to retail home buyers. Both of which are plentiful in the market today. Buy right, and you can bake in your profits upfront.

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Boost Your Real Estate Wholesaling Business By Helping Other Investors

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on Thursday, 16 April 2020


How can you boost your deal volume and the dollars coming in as a real estate wholesaler right now?

Many property investors are struggling to adapt to the new landscape. For many, their normal channels of business may have been disrupted and may or may not be for quite some time. The good news is that you can keep up and even grow your deal flow and income.

One way to do this immediately is to step up to help other investors. They are struggling too.

One of the most significant members of this group are landlords. Many have tried to step into this business since 2008. Many were tricked into thinking we wouldn’t face another turn in the cycle. Or they grossly overpaid for properties. They had no sustainability plan for something like this.

Many bought places relying on overpriced Airbnb rents. Most of that market has disappeared. It’s even illegal in many places right now. With unemployment heading for 50% or more, at least 30% of renters didn’t pay their April rents by the 9th of the month. Eviction bans mean they can’t get occupants out. Even more than not being able to weather this financially, landlords are scared.

They want their cash out. They can’t get good terms on refinancing, if they can even get loans at all. They need liquidity. You can buy their properties and bail them out.

Then flip  them to investors who are buying. There are plenty who are. Especially big funds. In NYC one family just bought 8 condos they plan to rent out after the crisis. You can even do this in bulk. Put together the portfolios to sell at once to a bigger buyer.

Best Transaction Funding is still funding deals. We find 100% of your purchase price when wholesaling properties.

How are you growing your business now?

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The 5 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Real Estate Wholesalers Are Making This Year

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on Thursday, 23 January 2020


Are you about to make one of these deadly marketing mistakes?

This is looking like a fantastic year for real estate wholesalers. There are millions of motivated sellers. There is plenty of money for deals. Landlords and rehabbers are still looking for inventory. However, to connect all the dots requires marketing. As a new company just a year or two old you might be spending just $10,000 a month on this. If you’re moving fast you might have over a billion dollars to grow your business through marketing this year. No matter what your budget, the key is getting the most out of it. Fail to do that for a couple of months and you could be facing bankruptcy.

Here are the five top mistakes not to fall into now…

1. Copying Tactics That Don’t Work

The number one mistake real estate investors are making is copying tactics they see others using, but don’t really work. Or at least don’t work well. Just because someone looks successful, doesn’t mean their marketing is really working. At least it may not be working on anyone but you. They might have just put their last dollar in marketing to you, and are a week away from going broke.

If you don’t know the returns they are getting you really don’t know. This can apply to investment strategy, websites, videos, ads, the length of your content and podcasting.

Test and watch your data before you go all in.

2. Cheap & Flawed SEO

Trying to get noticed by the search engines and to rank high on Google can have great advantages. Yet, most get it horribly wrong and waste lots of money on these efforts. Most actually do more harm than good to their rankings and visibility.

The most common reasons for failure here, include:

  • Hiring cheap SEO companies

  • Keyword research by people who don’t really understand the real estate industry

  • Copying outdated online suggestions over putting yourself in your customers’ shoes

  • Ignoring common sense when picking keywords

  • Not reviewing and updating keyword research and SEO on a monthly or quarterly basis

3. Taking Bigger Competitors Head On

You wouldn’t try to take a semi head on if you were driving a Prius on the road, right? Yet, many investors do this every day with their marketing. You can’t directly take on competitors who are spending $30,000 on blog content a month, or who are happy to throw away 4 billion dollars on online ads this year just to drive you out of business. Not if you are only investing $10k a month in your own marketing. You have to be creative and find a competitive edge and unique way to stand out.

4. Not Providing The Communication Options Your Ideal Customers Want

You might really want to get motivated sellers on the phone for a live pitch call. For all the same reasons they really don’t want to do it. You can spend $1M on ads to drive traffic to your website. Yet, if your only option is to call or use Facebook Messenger, you might only convert 1 in 1,000 hot leads. The rest are onto your competitors’ websites looking for other options. Like emailing, texting for help and live chat features. Remember, it’s not about you. It’s about them. Recognize that the last thing distressed sellers want is yet another person on the phone reminding them of how desperate their situation is and pressuring them.

5. Not Getting A Marketing Coach

Even if you don’t have other types of coaches and advisers yet, you already know that the best in every field has one. Given that 90% of your business relies on marketing, this is the most important part of your business to get help in. You don’t have to spend $40,000 on a cheesy coaching program full of fluff, but it pays to have an expert adviser to help you leap pitfalls and get right to winning in this area.

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6 Types Of Motivated Sellers Waiting For Your Offer In January

by blogger1
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on Thursday, 02 January 2020


Ready to hit the ground running and crush your 2020 real estate investing goals?

Here are six types of motivated sellers out there in the market ready for you to make an offer on their homes.

1. Those Who Spent Too Much During The Holidays

There is a lot of pressure to overspend during the end of year holiday season. There are two types of people out there in January. Those who are flush and didn’t put any gifts on credit cards and stayed on top of their bills. Then those who splurged, racked up debt, tanked their credit scores, and are struggling to pay their bills. There is a good chance many in the last group won’t catch up and will lose their homes unless they sell fast.

2. Those Who Are Now Unemployed

Lots of places hire to keep up with the busy holiday shopping season. Then they let everyone go. That’s the last thing most can afford after splurging on gifts, food and going out for the last month. Now new employment laws threaten to dump tens of millions of people into the unemployment pool too. If California’s new employment laws effectively banning freelancers and independent contractors spreads, we could be looking at 60% plus unemployment rates in some areas of the US within the next 12 months. With no job or income, most are only a week away from falling behind on their housing payments.

3. Those Wanting To Start A New Life In 2020

Millions of people have promised themselves a new life this year. They are putting their foot down, resolving to change their lifestyles and step out in new directions. Many are ready to make big moves, cash out old homes and hit the road to travel.

4. Failed Landlords & House Flippers

Sadly, many investors have rushed in without educating themselves or they have relied only on speculation instead of buying assets at the right prices. Now they are out of credit, out of cash, and they are stuck with properties that keep drilling deeper money pits for their fleeting finances. Step up and help them get out.

5. Those Whose Homes Are Depreciating

As the correction spreads, homeowners who look up their house values online and see they’ve lost $6k, $60k ot $600k in equity in the past few months are going to get really motivated. Those values could plunge much further. Many will be smart to cash out. Yet, at the right price real estate wholesalers can still get in, buy low and flip for a profit. Even in a declining market.

6. Those With Big 2020 REI Goals

Connect with those with big goals for wholesaling or flipping houses in 2020, and who want to move deals fast and get a good headstart to the year. Help them crush their goals by moving their inventory for them.

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