Hurricane Preparedness For Your Real Estate Investing Business

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on Aug 30 in BestTransactionFunding
Hopefully you haven’t been to badly affected by hurricane Irene, though with 3 more months of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season to go and 8 more hurricanes forecast you must make sure that your real estate investing business is prepared.

There are many resources online for tracking storms, finding tips for protecting your properties and advice on battling with your insurance company to get what you are owed. However, what is equally if not more important is business continuity and having your real estate investing business prepared. There may not be much you can do to prevent property damage if a category 4 hurricane sweeps through town, but you can survive losing a property or two a lot easier than being out of business for several week or months.

If you are not prepared and set up to stay wired and connected when a storm rolls in you are asking for trouble. It is usually not the impact of the hurricane itself that kills businesses. It is not having internal or external communication and access to crucial data. This means no deals are being done, all of the marketing you have out there is wasted, staff will leave and your competition will move in. By the time you catch up it could easily be 3,6 or even 12 months down the road. Can your business and your bank account take it?

So what should you be doing to prepare your real estate business? By utilizing Internet phone services which can be forwarded anywhere, using cloud computing technology for accessing databases, storing information and collaborating and having remote staff on call you can keep on operating without missing a beat.

Though this is also a time to line up back up financing sources so that you can still close those deals you were working on and take advantage of hot opportunities with flash funding and transactional lending.
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