The 5 Most Important Days For Real Estate Investors In November

by blogger1
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on Nov 03 in BestTransactionFunding

We’re coming up on 5 of the most important days of the year for real estate investors. How will you leverage them to improve what you are doing?

If embraced well, these five days may not only ensure you finish out the year on track to your goals, but will roll into the New Year strong…


If you are like most real estate investors you probably don’t take enough time out. We’re promised the ability to set our own schedules, and enjoy more time off. We seldom use those perks as much as we should. Thanksgiving is one of the days that we should absolutely force ourselves to take off. Take the day out to spend quality time with people you care about, and recharge. Take some alone time to remember what you are thankful for and strengthen your level of gratitude. Everything else will flow better if you do.

Black Friday

Black Friday sales may have gotten off to a slow start this year due to the noise surrounding the election. Yet, this is one of the best days of the year to get out and find deals on items you’ll need for your real estate business. Load up on what you can, and perhaps even prepay for services and materials for next year, while gaining the write-offs for this tax period. Note that real estate sales have been increasing on Black Friday as well. So, look out for property deals.

Small Business Saturday

Whether you run a small business or not this is a great day for finding more sales, collaborating on marketing, building new strategic relationships and partnerships, and increasing your connections in the local market.

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday continues the Black Friday theme, with more opportunities for deals, and a great day to unleash your own online campaigns.

Giving Tuesday

Done right, the previous days will give you a great boost. Giving Tuesday is the chance to express your gratitude, give back, pay it forward, and enjoy doing a little more of what you wanted to achieve when you got started in real estate.

How will you leverage these days to go even greater through real estate?


Authored by Best Transaction Funding is the leading source of transactional funding for real estate wholesalers in the US, where 100% financing, and saying “Yes” is what we love doing all day long.

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