The 5 Biggest Differentiators Of Real Estate Winners In 2019

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on Jan 21 in BestTransactionFunding


Who will be the biggest winners in the real estate market this year?

These five factors will be among the most significant differentiators between the winners and leaders versus the rest in real estate for this year and beyond…

Follow Up

This is still the number one make or break factor for real estate professionals. Fortunately, it is still probably the easiest way to get the edge. The vast majority of Realtors, wholesalers, builders and sellers seem to be doing terrible at this. In fact, their follow up is mostly non-existent. Most deals are lost and leads burned because of a simple lack of follow up. Just one more email, text or call could have converted those leads. Those buyers and sellers are all going to buy or sell. Just normally with the professional who keeps following up after the others drop the ball. Make sure that’s you.

Staying Healthy

You don’t need six pack abs or the best squat game in town to win in real estate, but if you’re out sick you aren’t making money. If your supply line dries up, your users are going to the next wholesaler in line to fill their deal flow needs. It will be far harder and more expensive to win them back. So, take time to stay healthy and avoid burnout.

Anticipating & Overcoming Objections in Advance

Most sellers, agents and buyers won’t take the time to layout all their real objections. They’ll just pawn off the easiest excuse on you. The most successful are those who invest the time to foresee and overcome objections in advance. It’s basic sales 101. What questions or concerns could hold sellers and buyers back from taking your offers? What can you do to champion that ahead of time?


Fear will cause some to pull back on their marketing this year. That will be another nail in their coffins. Others are doubling up on their content marketing. Make sure you are consistent, are looking for voids to fill, and are focusing on quality marketing that makes you stand out.  That may be online, in mailboxes, through networking, or sheer hustle and asking for the business. Most important as the market changes will be the ability to create product and demand.

Eye on the Big and Long Game


The focus should probably no longer be on what you earn this year. That should be the result of the seeds you planted last year. Most of what you are doing this year should be setting up your success and revenue for the next 2+ years. This mindset helps avoid dangerous short term thinking while ensuring long term survival and growing profit margins.

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