How To Beat Your Competition To The Real Estate Deals

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on Oct 17 in BestTransactionFunding

This is a fantastic time to be wholesaling real estate. Of course, that means that many others are hunting for deals too. If you believe that there is a shortage of publicly listed properties for sale, that may make it even more challenging if you’ve relied on that for deals in the past.

Here are five more ways to out maneuver and beat your competitors to the punch.

Failing Competitors

Even though the real estate investment remains strong and attractive many started folding their businesses out of fear at the beginning of COVID, then as rates hiked.

Even though they may have stopped actively investing, many have portfolios of properties they are holding. Or at least sizable databases of seller leads.

You may acquire their company, their real estate assets at a discount, or their lead lists.

Insurance Agent Referrals

Insurance agents are among the first to find out when people find themselves in a crisis. That may be a health issue, a car accident, or damage to their properties.

In a few cases their clients may get payouts that make them strong cash buyers for your properties.

In most cases insurance companies do not pay claims. If they did, they wouldn’t be in business or so big. In these scenarios policy holders may have to sell their homes fast for cash.

Lumber Company Leads

This is another untapped referral source. When trees fall on garages or homes, lumber and tree service companies get the first calls.

In other cases these referral sources can tell you when prospects are desperate for cash and are trying to sell their trees cheap. Or where there may be a property which also has a lot of value in timber rights. Money that may be used for helping to acquire or extract extra value your competitors don’t see.

The Unemployed

The AI revolution is creating levels of unemployment and interruption to income at a scale we’ve never seen before.

The vast majority of property owners cannot afford to carry their mortgages for even a month or two without a paycheck.

Depending on your contacts and access to data, you may find these sellers by tracking employers that are making layoffs, through recruiters, new credit defaults, and job wanted ads.

Be The Fastest And  Most Attractive Buyer

Have your proof of funds in hand, along with a contract, and be willing and able to close faster than your competition. Those things can mean a lot more to sellers than the top line price today.

Be sure to check out our Fall Deal with interest rates as low as 1% on loan amounts over $600k.

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